Have you ever wished you could control where the Rfalconcam cameras are pointed? Well, now you can!Introducing a new feature that lets online viewers choose where to point Rfalconcam's Camera 1. Move it to any of 21 preset positions and use zoom in the picture up to 21x!
For a small donation via PayPal or credit/debit card, anyone can control the camera for a 10-30 minute period. We are asking only 50 cents per minute during this trial period. Afterward, the price will go up to $1.
By using PayPal or credit card, you will be able to take control of the camera in as little as 10 minutes after payment is made. No need to wait days or weeks for a check to clear.Here is how it works.
1. After opening a new browser window, go to our website
http://rfalconcam.com and select
Control Camera from the
will pop up another window that lets you either log in to take control of the
camera or reserve a time to take control.
2. Since this will be your first visit, you will want to click on
Reserve time on a
3. The reservation page will be displayed. Click on the
Book button.
4. Select a date, start time, and end time. The start and end times must be 10,
20, or 30 minutes apart. The green spaces on the calendar are times that are
available. Red spaces denote previously reserved slots.
5. Click on the
Continue button to go to the details page. Here you can review
and modify your reservation. You will also see how much it costs.
6. Click on
Continue to go to the Customer Information page. Here you will enter your
name and contact information. Your Forum username is optional.
7. Click on
Continue to go to the confirmation page where you will confirm your
reservation. Be sure to click on the
Terms & Conditions check box.
8. Click on the
Book button to confirm the reservation. Your confirmation code
will be displayed. (It will also be emailed to you.) Don't lose it! You will need it
to gain access to the camera.
9. Click on the
Pay Now button to pay for your reservation. This will open
another widow that will display a standard PayPal payment page.
10. Follow the directions on the PayPal page that show you how to either pay using your PayPal
account, or if you don't have one, pay using a credit/debit card.
11. Close the PayPal window when you are done.
12. Close the Reserve Camera window.
13. When it is almost your reserved time, go to
http://rfalconcam.com and select
Streaming Video from the
CAMERAS tab so you will be able to see where are pointing the camera.
14. Select
Control Camera from the
15. This time, enter your email address and confirmation code and click on the
Take Control button.
16. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS on the page that follows. They explain how to control
the camera and what to expect. These instructions are also included in the confirmation email you should have received. It is a good idea to read them in the email before you get to this point because you will be using time that could be spent controlling the camera.
17. When you are ready to control the camera, click on
Take control of the
camera now.
18. The control panel will pop up, and now you can start moving and zooming the
19. When your time is up, the control panel will close and you will be given the
option to control the camera again or quit.
Hope you enjoy it!