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Author Topic: Not another one!  (Read 11311 times)
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Bobbie Ireland
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« on: 01-Apr-11, 09:29:37 AM »

Just found this webcam of a California hummingbird - not sure which sp - from the Zen Birdfeeder. There seems to be a commercial - wha'? But wait til you see this little one!
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #1 on: 01-Apr-11, 09:40:58 AM »

Seems if you let it run, the stupid commercial disappears... and she is feeding even littler ones!!! Ohhhhh, noooooo! ANOTHER one to be going on with. Glorious bird - what species, anyone?

Nice chirpy birdsong in the background too...

I think I might be sorry I did this...
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #2 on: 01-Apr-11, 09:58:22 AM »

Guys! You gotta watch this one! I don't know which is more beautiful - the birds or the nest they built.
Patti from Kentucky

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« Reply #3 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:12:50 AM »

Just found this webcam of a California hummingbird - not sure which sp

Hey Bobbie, thanks...

I think it's Anna's Hummingbird...there aren't that many hummers in California, and this one seems to match -- red throat patch on the female (if you catch her on camera at the right angle), black bill, no rufous coloration, white eyebrow.
Patti from Kentucky

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« Reply #4 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:19:20 AM »

Guys! You gotta watch this one! I don't know which is more beautiful - the birds or the nest they built.

Oh, and one more hummingbirds the females do ALL of the work, from nest building to brooding to feeding; the males only provide one thing and their job is done!  So your phrase "the nest they built" was overly generous to Mr. Anna's Hummingbird.  I'm amazed that a bird with such a high metabolism, who has to eat almost constantly, can feed herself and two young ones all alone!
« Last Edit: 01-Apr-11, 10:57:26 AM by Patti from Kentucky » Logged
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #5 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:28:20 AM »

Guys! You gotta watch this one! I don't know which is more beautiful - the birds or the nest they built.

Oh, and one more hummingbirds the females do ALL of the work, from nest building to brooding to feeding; the males only provide one thing and their job is done!  So your phrase "the nest they built" was overly generous to Mr. Anna's Hummingbird.  I'm amazing that a bird with such a high metabolism, who has to eat almost constantly, can feed herself and two young ones all alone!

I am PC run riot, Patti! Thanks for the info. I would love to be "Anna" and have this wonderful bird named after me. She is simply gorgeous. I was guessing I had seen both parents, but it was probably the angle. Her throat feathers are splendid - and that nest! Any info on that? The colouring is as beautiful as she is. Do you know what she uses? And what sort of plant is the nest in? I suppose I could google but it is more fun to chat to people who know!
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #6 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:33:29 AM »

Better pic of Hummingbird here...


(WHAT have I done!?)
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #7 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:41:37 AM »

Nest info... very interesting, as it seems this is her THIRD brood of 2011! Does not mention species in this. So v happy the Patti did!
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« Reply #8 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:43:46 AM »

 hummer Those babies are precious Bobbie!  We are ALL addicts!!!  Grin @Patti I too am amazed that the females can keep up that pace. Nature is a wonder!!!   yes  Thanks to both of you for sharing knowledge and videos!   clap

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Patti from Kentucky

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« Reply #9 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:44:18 AM »

Guys! You gotta watch this one! I don't know which is more beautiful - the birds or the nest they built.

Oh, and one more hummingbirds the females do ALL of the work, from nest building to brooding to feeding; the males only provide one thing and their job is done!  So your phrase "the nest they built" was overly generous to Mr. Anna's Hummingbird.  I'm amazeding that a bird with such a high metabolism, who has to eat almost constantly, can feed herself and two young ones all alone!

I am PC run riot, Patti! Thanks for the info. I would love to be "Anna" and have this wonderful bird named after me. She is simply gorgeous. I was guessing I had seen both parents, but it was probably the angle. Her throat feathers are splendid - and that nest! Any info on that? The colouring is as beautiful as she is. Do you know what she uses? And what sort of plant is the nest in? I suppose I could google but it is more fun to chat to people who know!

Corrected my typo above...I really need to slow down!  I thought I knew the answer, but needed to look it up to make sure.  They use plant down, held together with spider silk, and then decorated on the outside.  Here's a pretty good link:

Had you seen the male Anna's Hummingbird your eyes would have fallen out of your head, so it's probably good that you didn't.
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #10 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:55:26 AM »

Thank you so much, Patti - suffice to say - I am in love! Again!

I will google that info you sent... If I love HER, what will happen when I see HIM? (The lazy lad!)
Bobbie Ireland
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« Reply #11 on: 01-Apr-11, 10:58:59 AM »

Wow! But... Glam as he is - "Handsome is as handsome does!" She is simply so subtly beautiful with those throat feathers... and her matching nest! I am undone!
Patti from Kentucky

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« Reply #12 on: 01-Apr-11, 07:16:39 PM »

I just caught a feeding...and it looked like she has three little ones in there!  I thought two was usually the limit for hummers, but perhaps I'm wrong.  Hopefully she's in her prime and the California bugs and nectar are plentiful!
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« Reply #13 on: 01-Apr-11, 07:24:00 PM »

I just caught a feeding...and it looked like she has three little ones in there!  I thought two was usually the limit for hummers, but perhaps I'm wrong.  Hopefully she's in her prime and the California bugs and nectar are plentiful!

The one with 3 in the nest has a foster baby.  Someone accidentally cut down the branch with the nest & a rehabber took it to this nest since they had tiny ones.  I'll find the FB page in a bit...

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« Reply #14 on: 01-Apr-11, 11:19:46 PM »

I just caught a feeding...and it looked like she has three little ones in there!  I thought two was usually the limit for hummers, but perhaps I'm wrong.  Hopefully she's in her prime and the California bugs and nectar are plentiful!

The one with 3 in the nest has a foster baby.  Someone accidentally cut down the branch with the nest & a rehabber took it to this nest since they had tiny ones.  I'll find the FB page in a bit...

Facebook page for Emma the hummingbird

And a blog OurHummingbirdNest with more of the story

If we forget our passion our hearts go blind                                    @MsShaftway
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