!!! Baby Harlie is airborne! AM report.
July 09, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills
Bruce Massey Reports:
Saturday July 9th - 5am report
Took over from Anne B & Carol @ 1430 Hrs. Quest @ Nest Tray, Harlie @ East End of Building in some shade. Had around 2 hours of peace & quiet and then Quest flew low past Harley and then looped around to land @ roof level and then called to wake up Harley, and boy did she ever wake her up. For the next 15 to 20 minutes this girl vocalized she was faint w/hunger, all her feathers were be slowly pulled out one by one etc etc. Meanwhile Mom had gone & got a food package & after eating a little herself brought the rest in for Harlie.
After that, there was around 4pm or so hours of flapping (Good Coordination, a little lift) disappearing around the East Corner. The determining factor was that the adult/s (Quest) were absent until the last feeding @ around 2000 Hrs. After this Harley went over to a column in the middle of the building and laid down facing inward. (Yahoo, an early night). Around 1/2 hour later a TTC Bus w/noisy brakes had her up again and finally around 2130 Hrs she had settled on one of the concrete pieces sticking out of the middle of the building. I left soon after that @ 2140-2145 Hrs releaved by Mark and Marion,, and Dennis and Gwen who came in from Windsor Ontario - (CPF chaptor coordinators from the Windsor Ontario nest site).
Bruce Massey
Sent from my Black Berry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
!!! Baby Hiarlie’s first flights
July 09, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills
CPF Postmaster Reports:
strong>Saturday July 9th - 2011
Murray and I did 2 drive byes yesterday (Sat July 9) before arriving at 2:30 ish to help out with the fledge watch. At 2:18 we watched nervously as she did her second flight. A little scary, but definitely exciting. We were worried she was going to go in the valley, but she turned around and mommy Quest and daddy Kendall were in the vicinity watching. Very awkward landing, but ok.. Have learned lots of info from Mark and Marion of the CPF and Bruce the bird man. Stayed till approx 8:15pm after all of the birds seemed to settle down for the evening and met lots of wonderful dedicated people.
Will be back tomorrow!!
Debbie & Murray
!!! Baby H has fledged and holding her altitude just fine.
July 10, 2011 - Toronto - Don Mills
Ann Brokelman Reports:
Today at the watch Harlie decided it was time to test my nerves. Both Debbie and I are still shaking.
First thing first. Thank you To the Canadian Peregrine Foundation and all their fledge volunteers who do this day after day after day, year after year. You have nerves of steel and man I admire the lot of you. Mark Marion Bruce Tracy Frank Lyn and Kathy (the only ones I know) you are totally amazing. Thank you thank you thank you.
I arrived today at the watch and Bruce and I enjoyed watching Baby Harlequin fly around the Harlequin building and then land on top of the building.
Baby Harlie was amazing.
Murray and Debbie arrived
3 hours later was a different story. .
Harlequin was chasing the adults on the Harlequin roof - even taking short flights in the air. Kendal did a food drop to Harlie and then Quest came and took it away. Harlie ticked off. She chased mom all over the roof.
Now come the time that apparently I screamed
As Harlie was chasing mom she slipped off and fell head first from the top of the building spinning around. LUCKILY mom and dad peregrine falcon were there to help her adjust her flight and change her direction and truly saved their baby. Now the fun part they started to chased the baby and the baby chased the parents, around and off around and off. Lots of great action and amazing flights by all three of them. Meanwhile I am standing there with my towel on my shoulder, camera off to the side and going OMG OMG. Goosebumps galore and man no nerves of steel with this gal. Bruce comes over and is laughing at me. Both Debbie and I were speak less (oh yes really Murray and Carol)
Bruce took my towel and waved it at me and told me I was fired as photographer since i forgot about the camera during all this amazing action. lol
So that was the end of my little adventure at the fledge watch today. I really admire all the people who can handle this work.
PS both Quest and Kendal are great parents - they lead and guide the baby all over the place. Could have been a different outcome if not for the parents. Great work mom and dad.
Again you guys at CPF are amazing. Thanks
I am off to take some Valium and rest for the evening. No photos today lol
Ann Brokelman
OMG, my heart sank reading this. Quest and Kendal truly are AMAZING parents!! Thank you all so much for watching after them! I need more than a "PHEW" smiley! Valium sounds good!!