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Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
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Topic: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages (Read 290499 times)
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I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #315 on:
17-Jul-15, 07:35:36 AM »
New Resident Male at Yellow Pages
July 17, 2015 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Bruce Massey Reports:
Over the past week I have made several trips out to the Yellow Pages nest site to try and confirm the resident adults band numbers. Prompted by Marion’s observations of no appearance or serious defense by Rueben during her site visits and the lack of young this year, I was determined to confirm that both Rueben and Linn were still here and running the territory. I was able to get Linn’s band number earlier in the week, black 91 over green V with a silver USFW band. The male was much more challenging.
On Monday, I was able to get a partial read of the black over green band and knew right away that this was probably NOT Rueben. The adults were also behaving like they were in courtship. I finally got a perfect look at the band and the male is black 54 over green W with a silver USFW band. Tracy contacted a few people in search of his identity and it turns out that he is George, hatched at the North Grand Island bridge in 2013. If he continues to hold this territory then he will be Linn’s new mate for the 2016 season.
We have not seen Rueben at all and have no idea of his current status. We do know that he was from Wisconsin, hatched in 2003 and at 12 he was getting on in years. Many of our older males this year have lost their territories to younger newcomers and it looks like that is the case here. If this occurred at some point during the nesting season (we were all busy at fledge watches and so unable to be on site to witness any changes) that might explain the clutch of eggs that were lost.
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #316 on:
17-Jul-15, 07:42:08 AM »
Footnote: In my research on George - I discovered that Duncan from Hamilton (who just moved to Niagara Falls nest site this Spring) was nesting at the South end of the bridge where George was born for a few years prior to 2013 (including 2012 before construction started).
There was construction on the South end so he and his mate were forced to move - and he could have moved to the North portion where George was born. The male was banded black/black but they were unable to read his bands at that time.
And of course with more construction being done on bridges there - it looks like Duncan moved to Niagara Falls some time last year or early this year.
So it's entirely possible George is Duncan's son, which would make him Madame X and Surge's grandson and explain why he chose this area. Of course we'll never be able to prove it as it's circumstantial evidence but what are the odds that 2 Canadian birds would have been nesting on the same bridge at opposite ends.
Last Edit: 17-Jul-15, 07:48:09 AM by carly
I'm Not Addicted
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #317 on:
17-Jul-15, 07:59:28 AM »
Oh, poor Reuben! Wherever he is, I hope he's okay.
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #318 on:
17-Jul-15, 10:21:31 AM »
Another male loses it's territory-we'll miss you Reuben!
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-John Burroughs
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #319 on:
17-Jul-15, 01:12:24 PM »
I am sorry to read that Reuben has been displaced. He and Linn seemed to be a very compatible pair. I hope Reuben survived any territorial battle which might have taken place, and that he is safe somewhere.
This kind of change at the nest certainly provides a viable explanation for why there were no chicks this year.
Small Clutch
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #320 on:
30-Jul-15, 10:01:02 AM »
Further to the above post. A new Nest has been discovered approximately 3-4 Km (2-2.5 Miles)West of Yellow Pages site. It was revealed when CPF received a phone call of a Bird trapped on a Balcony. This bird turned out to be a Female Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with no bands. There was also a 2nd juvenile in the vicinity. The trapped bird was removed kept over night banded the next day. Of the adults the female has no Bands, but the Male is banded Black over Green. Unfortunately with the extremely Humid Weather we have been experiencing in TO over the last week or so I haven't been able to return to positively ID Male by Band #'s. However w/the long weekend, and the Humidity breaking I intend to ID the Male.
. The reason I have posted here it is hoped that given the close proximity to the Yellow Pages site that the male is in fact Reuben. When I'm successful in getting the band #I wil post the Outcome.
Bruce Massey (CanBirdMan)
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #321 on:
30-Jul-15, 04:13:03 PM »
Quote from: CanBirdMan on 30-Jul-15, 10:01:02 AM
Further to the above post. A new Nest has been discovered approximately 3-4 Km (2-2.5 Miles)West of Yellow Pages site. It was revealed when CPF received a phone call of a Bird trapped on a Balcony. This bird turned out to be a Female Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with no bands. There was also a 2nd juvenile in the vicinity. The trapped bird was removed kept over night banded the next day. Of the adults the female has no Bands, but the Male is banded Black over Green. Unfortunately with the extremely Humid Weather we have been experiencing in TO over the last week or so I haven't been able to return to positively ID Male by Band #'s. However w/the long weekend, and the Humidity breaking I intend to ID the Male.
. The reason I have posted here it is hoped that given the close proximity to the Yellow Pages site that the male is in fact Reuben. When I'm successful in getting the band #I wil post the Outcome.
Bruce Massey (CanBirdMan)
Thanks Bruce! You're the man!!!
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #322 on:
31-Jul-15, 06:09:45 AM »
Quote from: CanBirdMan on 30-Jul-15, 10:01:02 AM
Further to the above post. A new Nest has been discovered approximately 3-4 Km (2-2.5 Miles)West of Yellow Pages site. It was revealed when CPF received a phone call of a Bird trapped on a Balcony. This bird turned out to be a Female Juvenile Peregrine Falcon with no bands. There was also a 2nd juvenile in the vicinity. The trapped bird was removed kept over night banded the next day. Of the adults the female has no Bands, but the Male is banded Black over Green. Unfortunately with the extremely Humid Weather we have been experiencing in TO over the last week or so I haven't been able to return to positively ID Male by Band #'s. However w/the long weekend, and the Humidity breaking I intend to ID the Male.
. The reason I have posted here it is hoped that given the close proximity to the Yellow Pages site that the male is in fact Reuben. When I'm successful in getting the band #I wil post the Outcome.
Bruce Massey (CanBirdMan)
Good to see you here Bruce! I do hope Reuben has just moved over a few km...he's been a good mate to Linn all these years.
Here's hoping for a successful year for all of them next year.
If we forget our passion our hearts go blind @MsShaftway
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #323 on:
06-Aug-15, 08:29:18 AM »
Since my last post, I have spent some time trying to ID the Male @ our New Nest. Wow is this bird elusive. He's only seen briefly and even then most of the time I'm defeated by Distance or Height to to read the Band. Haven't given up yet. Will continue to update.
CanBirdMan (Bruce Massey
Small Clutch
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #324 on:
04-Sep-15, 09:38:51 AM »
Hi there it's been several weeks and the Adults & Juveniles in the Kennedy/401 area have seemingly dispersed, I haven't seen them. I think realistically that I'll have to keep a close eye on the area next Spring to try and be.able.to pinpoint the Nest. Will update.
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #325 on:
04-Sep-15, 10:30:10 AM »
Quote from: CanBirdMan on 04-Sep-15, 09:38:51 AM
Hi there it's been several weeks and the Adults & Juveniles in the Kennedy/401 area have seemingly dispersed, I haven't seen them. I think realistically that I'll have to keep a close eye on the area next Spring to try and be.able.to pinpoint the Nest. Will update.
Thanks Bruce for all your help!!
Kris G.
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #326 on:
02-Apr-16, 11:22:45 PM »
This should be changed to Linn & George, seeing as Reuben is no longer Linn's mate.
Post for 2016 season:
!!! Both Linn and George still the residents,, but a disturbing update!
April 02, 2016 - Scarborough - Yellow Pages
Mark Nash Reports:
Saturday April 2nd - 2016
Its looks like winter is back for another week, along with freezing artic temps and three separate clippers to come, all with snow about to hit us over the next 48 to 72 hours!
In an effort to get back out to do an update before the snow hits the fan and it gets really cold again, I was able to get back to the Scarborough Yellow Pages nest site to do get an update on what’s been happening.
Both resident adult Pefa’s were visible and in my view upon my arrival (on the upper rooftop of the building), but obviously no incubation was happening! Very odd indeed, given the blustery cold winds, snow flurries and wind chills!! I spent a good 30 minutes watching and observing the pair from the south eastern parking lot prior to going up to the roof. Both birds were roosting quietly on separate ledges on the east upper side of the building.
So it was back inside and up to the roof area with security to check the ledges. After checking all of the upper 8 ledges with no success (and no interest from either of the two resident adults), we decided to do a second-go-round, this time in the opposite direction to get a look at each of the 8 ledges from the left hand side. Remembering that there is a overhang that surrounds each ledge and its easy to miss something without taking a detailed look from both sides of each of the 8 ledges.
As we moved around to the south east corner ledges, we finally got a some attention by the resident adult female, (Linn who was easily identified by her Black 91 over Green V coloured leg band). Moments later, she was joined by her mate, George, (clearly identified as being George by his Black 54 over Green W coloured leg band). *See attached photos
Both birds spent some time scolding us, (along with the usual areal dive bombing) as they seems to be focusing their attention to us as we approached one of the upper eastern facing ledges. *See attached photos
A quick peek over top of the retaining wall to view down onto the ledge and the story (at least in part) unfolded. A sad story indeed!
*See attached photos
While I could speculate all day as to the potential causes, I just haven’t had the opportunity to watch the site over the past few months and without any recent history of events, it is impossible to say what has taken place and caused this net result at this point.
What I can report, is the obvious, while three eggs were clearly observed, two of the eggs were fractured with gaping holes in them, and all three eggs were dried out looking and almost pure white. There was no shine to the eggs, and they appeared to be sun bleached white. While Linn and George were quite territorial and protectant of the ledge itself,, neither birds ever attended to the ledge even after my visit.
I did spend 30 plus minutes down in the parking lot observing the birds behavior after my visit and both birds took up roosting positions on other ledge corners and did just that,, roosted. Again, neither birds showed any interests in the ledge with the eggs.
I can only hope that the eggs were from last season, and the pair have yet to lay eggs this year!
I will be back in a couple of weeks to do another site visit and hopefully will have some better news about the pair to report.
Stay tuned…………..
Posted on April 2, 2016 8:30 pm
Observation for Scarborough - Yellow Pages
See all observations for: Scarborough - Yellow Pages
I'm Falcon Crazy
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Re: Linn (2007) & Reuben - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #327 on:
03-Apr-16, 06:44:11 AM »
How sad!!
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Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #328 on:
03-Apr-16, 12:17:04 PM »
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
-John Burroughs
Carol P.
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Re: Linn (2007) - Scarborough/Yellow Pages
Reply #329 on:
03-Apr-16, 12:45:26 PM »
Very sad.
Peregrines know no borders.....
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