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Author Topic: WINORR Rescues  (Read 21861 times)
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I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #15 on: 20-Nov-12, 07:06:08 AM »

WINORR- Wildlife In Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation Later in the day we received this adult male peregrine falcon found sitting on a lawn in Floral Park . I took a few pictures after I got the bleeding to stop . It most likely crashed as he has a fractured wing which should heal without surgery and a tear which needed sutures to close . Hes home tonight upright and alert now.

Wonder who this is.

I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #16 on: 20-Nov-12, 08:08:39 AM »

He's not in the database.  Glad he was rescued and will be taken care of  sick
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #17 on: 20-Nov-12, 08:34:49 AM »

He's not in the database.  Glad he was rescued and will be taken care of  sick

he's from Connecticut Carly


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« Reply #18 on: 20-Nov-12, 12:16:07 PM »

I wondered if that's who he is, but wasn't sure if that was a 1 in front of the 4.  Thanx.
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #19 on: 24-Nov-12, 06:50:58 AM »

WINORR- Wildlife In Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation I received a call this afternoon about this hawk with a wing injury perching on the back of a bench inside the Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. The extremely caring caller made it possible by going back and meeting me there to bring me to the location he had last seen it. After a search we were able to find her again where she had climbed up about 6 feet into a low sprawling cedar watching us the whole time . My vet is only 5 minutes away and I dropped her off for x rays and was shocked to hear it was shot and has a fractured radius and ulna of the right wing . No way, not in this place I said but most likely yes since the injury has left it unflighted unless it walked such a great distance and luckily ended up in this park. The weather was beautiful today and the place attracts a lot of photographers but only a few realized it was so seriously injured and needed assistance as soon as possible. Unless it had found roadkill it doesn't have the ability to catch any food in the condition it is presently in and is quite thin. We need to treat for infection and pain and build it back up and then possibly consider surgery to repair but it is a longshot it ever being a releasable hawk ever again.  Sad


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« Reply #20 on: 24-Nov-12, 01:06:45 PM »


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« Reply #21 on: 11-Dec-12, 09:37:10 PM »

A few days ago WINORR took in another hawk who had been shot, the second hawk to be admitted in less than three weeks. This is a juvenile male Red-tailed Hawk.

December 5, 2012

We received this injured redtailed hawk yesterday afternoon. It was picked up in Tremont Park in the Bronx by Parks Dept. landscapers and secured by Sgt. Michael Vincent of the Urban Park Rangers who called me to say he had a hawk with a possible broken wing. I brought it right to our vet and knew shortly after it had been shot. I reported it to the DEC law enforcement later on and today heard back they were aware of a shot hawk and were already on the case . Apparently the hawk flew into a large food warehouse and wasn't able to make it back out and a worker there was witnessed shooting it with a pellet gun "attempting" to shoo it out and accidently shot it instead. Once grounded the bird escaped the building but was lost until luckily found nearby yesterday . The alledged shooter has already been summonsed for intentionally shooting a protected animal and has an upcoming court date. From our experience it is extrememly difficult for agencies to solve crimes like this as birds can sometimes fly even after being shot so are not necessarily found at the original location of the crime but we are very satisfied with this outcome so far. Tomorrow morning the bird will have surgery to remove the pellet which is lodged in the wrist joint and needs to be removed for it to have the best chance for flight and release. The metacarpal bone is fractured but appears to be in good alignment and should heal on its own without surgery.


At least in this case they have found the alleged perpetrator, and it does sound as if the hawk will be able to make a good recovery.

I don't know how the other hawk is doing.
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« Reply #22 on: 11-Dec-12, 10:10:17 PM »

A few days ago WINORR took in another hawk who had been shot, the second hawk to be admitted in less than three weeks. This is a juvenile male Red-tailed Hawk.

December 5, 2012

We received this injured redtailed hawk yesterday afternoon. It was picked up in Tremont Park in the Bronx by Parks Dept. landscapers and secured by Sgt. Michael Vincent of the Urban Park Rangers who called me to say he had a hawk with a possible broken wing. I brought it right to our vet and knew shortly after it had been shot. I reported it to the DEC law enforcement later on and today heard back they were aware of a shot hawk and were already on the case . Apparently the hawk flew into a large food warehouse and wasn't able to make it back out and a worker there was witnessed shooting it with a pellet gun "attempting" to shoo it out and accidently shot it instead. Once grounded the bird escaped the building but was lost until luckily found nearby yesterday . The alledged shooter has already been summonsed for intentionally shooting a protected animal and has an upcoming court date. From our experience it is extrememly difficult for agencies to solve crimes like this as birds can sometimes fly even after being shot so are not necessarily found at the original location of the crime but we are very satisfied with this outcome so far. Tomorrow morning the bird will have surgery to remove the pellet which is lodged in the wrist joint and needs to be removed for it to have the best chance for flight and release. The metacarpal bone is fractured but appears to be in good alignment and should heal on its own without surgery.


At least in this case they have found the alleged perpetrator, and it does sound as if the hawk will be able to make a good recovery.

I don't know how the other hawk is doing.

Good that he'll most likely fly free again!  thankyou

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I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #23 on: 11-Dec-12, 10:19:33 PM »

I'm getting real tired of people shooting at Raptors. It's so depressing. Thanks Alison.

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« Reply #24 on: 11-Dec-12, 10:24:51 PM »

I'm getting real tired of people shooting at Raptors. It's so depressing. Thanks Alison.

 ~ ditto ~

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Bird Crazy

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« Reply #25 on: 13-Dec-12, 06:18:47 AM »

I'm getting real tired of people shooting at Raptors. It's so depressing. Thanks Alison.

 ~ ditto ~
ditto ~:ditto: ~

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« Reply #26 on: 13-Dec-12, 08:30:20 AM »

This has got to stop. I don't know what the hell is wrong with people these days Sad
I'm Falcon Crazy

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« Reply #27 on: 29-Jan-13, 07:51:18 AM »

Yesterday we assisted with capturing a lone peking duck and a flightless canada goose from a completely frozen small local pond . The night before at least 1 fox and some racoons caught and killed 6 other dumped peking ducks that were defenseless with no open water to retreat to for safety . Sadly many of these ducks die from starving or domestic pet attacks yearly after they are no longer wanted and no permanent homes can be found for them leaving them to be abandoned at the closest body of water that can be found. The goose has a birth condition known as angel wing which causes developmental issues on wing feathers leaving them flightless but able to survive in a decent setting . It was not a pretty sight dead bodies and blood on the ice where they were chased and killed late Saturday night but scenes like this could be prevented if the unnecessary raising of these poor birds was controlled somehow. The goose was released as you can see in another larger pond where other waterfowl can survive as it always has open water despite the coldest of temperatures . The surviving peking duck will be held until it can find a new safe permanent home.

Footprints of the fox chasing the ducks in the light snow covering the frozen pond.   Sad

I'm Not Addicted

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« Reply #28 on: 29-Jan-13, 03:11:01 PM »

Donna, how very sad!  Thank you for doing what you could to save the duck and the goose.   Cry

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Kris G.
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« Reply #29 on: 29-Jan-13, 06:15:33 PM »

Very sad.  Sad

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