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The Journal of Rfalconcam

2007 Fledge Watch Orientation Meeting

On Saturday, June 16 at 9:00 AM the Genesee Valley Audubon Society and the Rochester Falconcam will host the annual Peregrine Falcon Fledge Watch orientation meeting. Each year volunteers take turns watching the fledglings in their early weeks of flight. The Fledge Watch helps to ensure the safety of the young falcons by monitoring their flights and even rescuing them if they get into trouble. Fledge Watch volunteers have rescued a number of fledglings over the years including MaryAnn (2000), Alkyonis & Grissom (2004), and Skye (2005).

Fledging is an exciting time for the falcons, but it’s a dangerous time for them too. Untried flight and landing skills, lack of endurance, and a host of natural and man-made hazards await them when they leave the safety of the nest box on the Kodak tower.

Volunteering for the Fledge Watch is a great way to learn about falcon behavior in person, not to mention an excellent opportunity to enjoy some time in the great outdoors and make new friends. As a Fledge Watch volunteer you’ll receive training in how to rescue a downed falcon, and you’ll have the ability to post your observations on Imprints! You’ll also have a front row seat for some of the climactic experiences of the falcon ‘season’ as the juveniles learn to perfect their flying and hunting skills.

The orientation meeting will be held at the Gallery in the Center at High Falls, 60 Browns Race, Rochester, NY 14614 at 9:00AM on Saturday, June 16. We hope you’ll join us there!


23 Responses to “2007 Fledge Watch Orientation Meeting”

  1. Margaret Says:

    I will certainly be there!!!

  2. Carol L Says:

    I haven’t checked in for sometime. I was pleased to see the “girls” still here and how they have grown!! Thanks for putting their names with their band color under the camera pictures. It makes it so much easier!! I have a question for Jess.. I was wondering if the tempature changes bother them,especially the heat? They seem to huddle/ flatten out when it’s warmer.

  3. Darby Says:

    I can not believe how much they have grown. I am not able to watch them over the weekend so when I came in yesterday to work it was like they were totally different birds.

  4. DMS Says:

    It looks like Grace and Ananta are thinking about flying! The two of them are stading on the edge of the box looking out, down and all around … wings flapping … it is an incredible time to watch. Are volunteers out fledge watching before the 16th?

  5. Rose Says:

    Does anyone else get the feeling that Anata rules the roost. She’s always front and center. I think Linn is just shy, and maybe a little smaller? They are sooo big now. Pretty soon they will be gone. How sad for us.

  6. ENB Says:

    How long will the parents continue to supply the grub? Their current feather coloration includes an attractive tan and brown. Will the tan be replaced with the lighter color similar to M&K?

    Agree that Ananta appears the most mature with Grace next and Linn the smallest of the quartet.

  7. Diane from Parma Says:

    I agree, Rose. There is a definite ranking order. Ananta, Grace, Sacajawea and then Linn. Grace and Saci seem to be very close in that order. I love watching every day, and I am surprised that I can still see the changes they are going through. It is an awesome contribution of time, to have watchers that will be there to help, if trouble occurs.
    Jess, how long after they start flying will they get to stay at the nest?
    God Bless those who watch over these falcons. Thank you.

  8. caye jones Says:

    Wish I could be there but have other commitments. Have they been fed yet this moring? Anyone know? I have never been able to be tuned in when they are getting fed. I wish I could see this before it is all over…has been a beautiful show to watch…hate to see it all come to an end. Caye

  9. Lauren F Says:

    I have been watching the family every five minutes. It is so exciting. I saw Mariah giving the girls the riot act yesterday morning. I think she kicked them out. because I see her out there but not back in the nest. They are incredible!

  10. Beth from San Antonio Texas Says:

    I’m so excited to see the girls! I planned a trip to Rochester the week of 6/25/07 and hope to see them flying by then. Has this site ever considered a “Live streaming video Cam” similar to Africam? It would be wonderful to see the birds in “real time movement”.

  11. Alison in Austria Says:

    The tan and brown juvenile plumage will remain with them for the next year and only when they moult next season will they get the grey and ivory of the adult peregrine.
    They will continue to be fed by their parents after they fledge until they have learned to hunt for themselves. This is a highly skilled occupation and it takes a lot of practice. But by fall they all should be proficient enough to move away from their parents’ territory and set off on their own. Yet, the survivial rate for young peregrines is depressingly low because, among other things, hunting for survival is so very difficult…
    Beth, if you want live streaming, you will have to watch the falcons in Harrisburg, PA. That is requested each season here and each season the answer is the same – too expensive.

  12. ENB Says:

    Ananta is looking very sleek.

  13. Erin Says:

    Ok, how cute are these 4 girls? They are currently lined up in a row taking a nap. I agree Ananta and Grace are going to be to the first to fly. Linn is finally building up her courage and keeping up with her sisters more and more. I hope to be able to come for the training on Saturday depending on my schedule. Once again this is a great site and gives me great joy all spring.

  14. Todd P. Phillips Says:

    I’m onboard with the comments about Ananta! Pretty cool how they’ve grown so fast. I’ve saved some scenes over the past hour or so. Ananta looked like she was about right to venture out of the scrape. I’m going to try and be around on Saturday.

  15. Anne, Michigan Says:

    You know, it’s a real pleasure to share this excitement with others like me! So many people never “look up”. I am a tad nervous about the girls; the mother in me comes out so that I want to say “be careful, you’re leaning too far out…!” Though I am delighted with their growth, I will be sad to see them move on. Have the babies ever been tracked elsewhere after they leave?

    Thanks for such a splendid opportunity.

  16. Julie Says:

    How long will the orientation session last tomorrow morning?

  17. claudia Says:

    well i just about cried when i checked on the little ladies this morning….busting at the seams they are!!! they certainly look like they are ready to explore the world. i will be sad to see them go…..what an experience….therefore, to prolong my attachment, i will definitely come volunteer for the fledge watch. this is so awesome.

  18. Jess Says:

    @Julie – The meeting should last an hour or so. Come early for some falcon watching!

  19. claudia Says:

    AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHH! took my daughter to an appointment this morning and didn’t finish in time to make it to the 9am meeting. can i still volunteer??? oh pleeeeaaassseeeee???? (smile) i’m an excellent and fast learner!!!! and i SO want to help……….you could email me and i could give you my phone number if need be. here’s hoping…..

  20. Beth Thomas Says:

    The falcon cam is an amazing window into their world. Thank you so much for all the updates while they grow and start to prepare to fly. I have so many pictures and check my “window” at night too. My relatives in other states watch now and are amazed. Thank you, Jess, for all your work. I’m so glad I will have my “family album” to look at and share with friends, when they are gone. Our own real live nature show in Rochester!!!!
    I will be watching every year and wish all huge success!!!

  21. claudia Says:

    14:43pm on saturday…i am laughing so hard: all four of the girls are lined up…linn has finally come to the edge of the scrape….grace has turned her back…but all in all, it looks like they are posing for an album cover……heh heh heh…..

  22. Kathy Villone Says:

    It has been great to be involved with the falcons. I feel like they are my own, watching them from birth to banding and now fledging. I hope they all make it out there, and my hat is off to all those involved in their keep. You have done a great job, and so have you… Mariah and Kaviar. Thank you. Once they are gone I will miss them, I have looked forward to seeing them everyday. Again thank you.
    Kathy Villone

  23. Kathy A. Says:

    Is there going to be a schedule posted as to when we are volunteering? I signed up, but am wondering if I am going to be alone, or with someone. Just curious.

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