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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 4-28-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

I am dedicating this watch report to Mariah a Sharpei dog, whose mom is friend and fellow watcher Jeanne-she had to be euthanized today.

It was 44 (F) 7 (C) as I started my watch and when I arrived about 5:50am there were cops blocking off the Broad St. Bridge (BSB) for the Flower City Challenge running event.


I went to the hole (Aqueduct St.) and could hear Beauty whining-I thought she was in the nest box but then I got a tweet from Annette saying the switch was made and Dot.Ca (DC) was on the eggs. Thank you!  I managed to spot Beauty on the base of Mercury where she was blending in with the green on the base in the predawn darkness. I went down by falcon watcher central which near the stairs that lead up to Broad St. where I could see Beauty clearly.

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Beauty does a series of wing and leg stretches every morning after a long night laying on the eggs.

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I don’t think Beauty was there more than 5 minutes when she flew to the top ibeam west corner of OCSR.

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After 15 minutes there, Beauty stooped off the back of it to the north side out of view.


I drove to the Andrews St. Bridge to look at the north end of the territory and found Beauty on the top ibeam north corner of OCSR.


At 7:30am I was told they were going to block me in unless I left so I did and had to exit downtown by going down alleys that had not been blocked off for the race. I left for the Brighton site to check in on Pigott.  I found her on the west end of the south side vent at 7:50am.

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Miss Pigott and I had a peaceful time with only the sound of songbirds in the background as she preened and stretched.

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Around 8am both Donna and Annette tweeted that Beauty had taken over incubating the eggs, thanks! Pigott never left that vent in the 45 minutes that I spent with her.

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My watch ended at 8:30am when Jeanne texted that she was at the vet with Mariah, so I left to be with her when the sad news was delivered. Keep smiling even if you don’t want to! 🙂

Only 2 videos today-links are below to view them


3 Responses to “Morning watch 4-28-13”

  1. Barb W. in L.A. Says:

    Thank you for your report, and thoughtful dedication, MAK. Our hearts are heavy when a friend loses a loved one.

  2. campgee Says:

    Hearts are heavy indeed. A dog is a family member, we need to grieve for them like any other member of our family. My heart goes out to Jeanne, can’t tell you how sorry I am for her loss. Hoping the memories she has of Mariah will fill her with warmth knowing she gave her puppy the best life possible. You are a good friend MAK.

  3. MAK Says:

    Barb and Camp thank you for your kind words. I was quite attached to Mariah as she was very sweet. 🙂

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