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Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 9-24-13

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Brrr, a chilly start at 39 Degrees (F) 4 (C) with wall to wall blue skies once the sun came up.

I found Beauty and Dot.Ca (DC) at 6:55am on the south side of Xerox again this morning-she was on the 4th column over from the southeast corner and he was on the 4th column over from the southwest corner.

img_0004-beauty3 img_0017-beauty <Beauty   DC> img_0021-dc1 img_0025-dc

I hung out with our downtown pair for about 15 minutes and then I rolled on over to the Hawkeye (HE) site for a look/see. Nothing there so I moved on to the Seneca Towers (ST) high rise apartment building to the north at St. Paul St. and route 104. CarolP had seen a juvie there last night so I tried my luck but saw nothing. I returned to the east side of downtown to find DC still on Xerox but Beauty was gone. 20 minutes later he flew off to the southwest.

img_0030-dc1 img_0031-dc1

I left when he didn’t come back and as I was stopped on the Broad St. Bridge to scan everything visible from there with my binocs I spotted a falcon on the northeast corner of the FCT platform railing. I drove over to the City Hall parking to ID it and as I arrived cam watcher Donna texted that there was a falcon on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT). Thanks D! It was Beauty and she was looking just lovely in the bright sunshine.

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She did some preening, stretching and posing while keeping track of the pigeons and starlings that were close by.

img_0047-things-are-looking-up img_0049-beauty img_0058-beautyful-one img_0061-beauty

I observed the Beautyful one until 8:30am then left to check the Brighton site (BS). Again, Pigott was nowhere to be found-she has been seen at night so no worries! When I returned to downtown a little after 9am Beauty was still on FCT doing her thing.

img_0064-beauty img_0065-hi-beautyful img_0066-shes-all-shook-up

We shared space for 15 minutes and then I left Beauty to check the Seneca Towers and Hawkeye locations one more time before ending my watch around 10am. I saw a crow on the roof of ST and a  Red-tail Hawk circling above the Hawkeye area. Red-tails are my favorite hawk so it definitely sent me home with a smile on my face! 🙂

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2 Responses to “Morning watch 9-24-13”

  1. Ginny Says:

    Gorgeous photos of our beauty-ful one!

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks for commenting Ginny! 🙂

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