Morning watch 9-24-13
By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK
Brrr, a chilly start at 39 Degrees (F) 4 (C) with wall to wall blue skies once the sun came up.
I found Beauty and Dot.Ca (DC) at 6:55am on the south side of Xerox again this morning-she was on the 4th column over from the southeast corner and he was on the 4th column over from the southwest corner.
I hung out with our downtown pair for about 15 minutes and then I rolled on over to the Hawkeye (HE) site for a look/see. Nothing there so I moved on to the Seneca Towers (ST) high rise apartment building to the north at St. Paul St. and route 104. CarolP had seen a juvie there last night so I tried my luck but saw nothing. I returned to the east side of downtown to find DC still on Xerox but Beauty was gone. 20 minutes later he flew off to the southwest.
I left when he didn’t come back and as I was stopped on the Broad St. Bridge to scan everything visible from there with my binocs I spotted a falcon on the northeast corner of the FCT platform railing. I drove over to the City Hall parking to ID it and as I arrived cam watcher Donna texted that there was a falcon on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT). Thanks D! It was Beauty and she was looking just lovely in the bright sunshine.
She did some preening, stretching and posing while keeping track of the pigeons and starlings that were close by.
I observed the Beautyful one until 8:30am then left to check the Brighton site (BS). Again, Pigott was nowhere to be found-she has been seen at night so no worries! When I returned to downtown a little after 9am Beauty was still on FCT doing her thing.
We shared space for 15 minutes and then I left Beauty to check the Seneca Towers and Hawkeye locations one more time before ending my watch around 10am. I saw a crow on the roof of ST and a Red-tail Hawk circling above the Hawkeye area. Red-tails are my favorite hawk so it definitely sent me home with a smile on my face! 🙂
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September 24th, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Gorgeous photos of our beauty-ful one!
September 24th, 2013 at 9:22 PM
Thanks for commenting Ginny! 🙂