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Eyes to the Skies

Monday Evening Falcon Watch – Dot.ca Brings Dinner to Beauty! – 4/28/14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I was able to get out for about an hour this evening (6:45 – 7:45 pm).  Since I didn’t have much time, tonight I chose to spend some time with Beauty and Dot.ca.

First I drove around looking for a falcon, but could not find any.  I assumed that one of them was in the nest box on the eggs, but since I had come directly from the hospital, I wasn’t sure which one.  It wasn’t long before I knew which falcon was in the nest box.

Just before 7:00 pm, Dot.ca flew in carrying Beauty’s dinner.  He landed on the nest box platform and a few seconds later, Beauty walked over to him and grabbed the offering.  She took off and landed on the base of Mercury, while he entered the nest box to take a turn on the eggs.

I drove down to Aqueduct St. (aka “the hole”) and found a spot to watch Beauty eat.

Beauty Eating on Base of Mercury 4-28-14Beauty Eating on Base of Mercury 4-28-14*





Beauty finished her meal and took off with the leftovers heading southeast.  I drove up to the Broad St Bridge and found her on the southwest corner of the B&L building.  I assume that she cached the remainder of her meal there.

Beauty on SW Corner of B&L 4-28-14*





From the Broad St Bridge, I could see that there is a lot of logs caught up against the Main St Bridge.  They’ll have to clean that all up again this year.

Lots of Logs Stuck at the Main St Bridge 4-28-14*





Today was a beautiful day, but the next few days will be rainy here in Rochester (NY).

Rain Heading into Rochester Next Few Days 4-28-14*





At approximately 7:45 pm, I left Beauty on guard and preening on the B&L Bldg and Dot.ca in the nest box on the eggs.  All was peaceful and quiet, just how we like it.  On my way home, I passed this beautiful old home on the south side of the Times Square Bldg.  It’s one of my favorite old houses in Rochester (NY).  I love when it’s lit up at night.

Old House Near Times Square Bldg 4-28-14*





I did get out for awhile on Sunday.  I started out by parking at Maplewood Park and watching the falcons at ST from there.  Two falcons were on top of the building and I did see an attempt by the tiercel to copulate with the juvie female.

ST Falcons Near Copulation 4-27-14*





We know that this tiercel is unbanded and that the juvie has a black over green band.  Could this be Billy, Diamante’s daughter and Mariah and Kaver’s granddaughter?  We hope to get a positive ID soon.

Kathy O and Dana joined me and we watched as both falcons flew around the building.  The tiercel took off and headed in our direction, flying directly over us.  We watched him as he headed west and out of view.

ST Tiercel Overhead 4-27-14*





We made plans to visit with MAK in her new apartment and to help her with her move.  From the parking lot, we could see the juvie female and she had a very full crop.

Juvie Female with Full Crop 4-27-14*





Afterwards, we checked out the balconies on the east and west sides of the building.  The views are amazing!  From the west side balcony we could see the tiercel up on the southwest corner roof.

ST Tiercel 4-27-14*





From the ground, we could see both the male and female.  They were both settled on the roof of the building.  Will this pair remain and possibly nest somewhere nearby in the future?  We certainly hope so!

ST Tiercel 4-27-14ST Juvie Female Falcon 4-27-14

2 Responses to “Monday Evening Falcon Watch – Dot.ca Brings Dinner to Beauty! – 4/28/14”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Lovely shots, Carol, and I’m sorry to hear you were coming from the hospital. Thanks for keeping up your watches.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! I appreciate that.

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