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Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Falcon Watch – An absolutely gorgeous Spring Day with Lots of Falcons Flying! – 5/4/14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

I really needed to get out to look for some falcons.  Life has stopped me from doing this as often as I love to do.  🙂

I started my watch at noon and ended it at 6:15 pm.  A long day spent with falcons, friends and lots of fresh air!

BS was my first stop.  After searching the building thoroughly, I did not see or hear any falcons.  My next stop was downtown where I found DC on the south side of the OCSR, top Ibeam.  Thank you Pat for verifying that Beauty was in the nest box on the eggs.  Dot.ca was in hunt mode.  Just after I arrived, he stooped down the face of the building and then chased two pigeons across the river.  He returned to the top Ibeam and  then raced to the east, past the Xerox Tower.  Then back high overhead, heading west.  I lost him in the bright sunlight, but he soon returned to the top IBeam.  Again, he was off!  Again heading east.  It wasn’t long before he returned landing on the OCSR top Ibeam.  This time with prey.  A successful hunt!  Whatever he caught, it wasn’t big.  It didn’t take him long to complete his meal.  He rested for awhile and then flew to the nest box.

DC on OCSR 5-4-14DC on the Hunt 5-4-14*





DC with Prey on OCSR 5-4-14DC Snoozes After Eating Lunch 5-4-14*





DC to the Nest Box 5-4-14*





Dot.ca went into the nest box to take his turn on the eggs and Beauty came out.  She flew around a bit, stretching her wings, and then settled on the top IBeam of OCSR for a good preen.

Beauty on OCSR 5-4-14Beauty on OCSR 5-4-14*





It was a very windy day!

A Very Windy Day 5-4-14*





Beauty looked like she was settled in, so I headed north to check on the ST falcons.  I parked in the Maplewood Park parking lot to check things out from the west side of the river.  There I met fellow watchers Dana and Lou. They had seen one flying over the river, so we decided to watch from the south side of the Veteran’s Bridge.  The tiercel (male) put on quite the flight show for us.  He is an incredible flyer.

ST Tiercel Fabulous Flying 5-4-14ST Tiercel Fabulous Flying 5-4-14*





The juvie female joined him and landed on the IBeam on the south side of the Veterans Bridge.

ST Juvie on Veterans Bridge 5-4-14ST Juvie Female on Veterans Bridge 5-4-14*





That’s when Lou yelled out that there were three falcons.  The juvie on the bridge and two in the air.  We could hear kakking fill the air.  The juvie took off and she and the tiercel escorted the 3rd one to the east.  It happened too fast to tell if the 3rd was a female or male, or a juvie or adult.  About a 1/2 hour later first the juvie female returned and landed on the NE corner of the ST apartment building.  Soon after, the male returned.

Then both took to  the sky and went into hunt mode.  The tiercel returned with prey and landed on ST.  The juvie female wanted to share, but the tiercel had other ideas.  He took the food to the Veterans bridge where he prepped his meal and cached the remainder.  We were happy to see Dan walking towards us.  This was his first time seeing these falcons.  Dana and Lou had to leave, but I decided to stay with Dan until 6:15 pm.  The falcons again took to the sky, floating on the high winds, kiting above the building and river gorge.  Just beautiful!  I couldn’t help but notice that the tiercel had a split wing tip on his right wing.  That reminded me of another falcon I used to watch.

Dan and I ended our watch, happy to have seen these gorgeous falcons.  It reminded us so much of our days on the pedestrian bridge, watching the falcons from the Kodak Tower flying in the river gorge near High Falls.

Juvie Female Flying Along the River Gorge Wall 5-4-14*





Goodnight everyone!

9 Responses to “Sunday Falcon Watch – An absolutely gorgeous Spring Day with Lots of Falcons Flying! – 5/4/14”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Excellent shots of the birds in flight, Carol! I was watching them from Seneca Park when you, Dana and Lou were on the west side. I couldn’t see the juvie on the bridge so I thought there were only two, and I couldn’t tweet because my phone battery needed charging. It was so beautiful to see them just riding the winds on that gorgeous day!

    I saw a wonderful example of display flying by the male last week when I tweeted from the bus that I saw a falcon circling ST. My bus was stopped at the light on St. Paul at ST, and during that short minute or so when stopped there, I saw the male fly lightning fast around the entire building three times, doing a sort of half swoop each time he got to the side of the building that faced the gorge, then rising again as came back around to my side. The juvie must have been perched on the west side. I laughed out loud watching him. Quite impressive.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat! He is so much fun to watch. A masterful flyer. 🙂

  3. carla Says:

    Thanks for your report and pictures.I really do miss them.Are you Ok ? I’m a bit worried !
    Glad you had a good day.

  4. carla Says:

    Greetings to Dan.

  5. Carol P. Says:

    Hi Carla and you’re very welcome. My dad hasn’t been well, so I’ve been spending more time with him. Thank you for asking. I’ll be sure to tell Dan you said hello next time I see him. 🙂

  6. WLABarb Says:

    Just read your eventful report. I hope that getting out to see, and photograph, the falcons brought you some comfort. Best wishes to you, your Dad and family.

  7. Carol P. Says:

    Thank you Barb. That is very kind of you. Watching the falcons and being with friends on a beautiful day is always comforting. 🙂

  8. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I hope your father recovers to be well enough to rest in the sun and watch the sky with you. Sunlight is healthy for us older folks (using sunscreen).

  9. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks for your well wishes Alison. They are very much appreciated.

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