Morning watch 6-18-11
By Rochester falcon watcher MAK
It was a pretty uneventful watch with the Beautyful one this morning. She was in the nestbox when I left home and still there when I arrived downtown. I watched her from the Broad St. bridge for about 15 minutes when she flew off to the north. I waited a few minutes for her return and then drove over to FCT where I found her on the platform eating something. It must have been cached food for she only spent a few minutes eating and there were no feathers flying as when it’s a fresh kill they have to prepare it.
When she was done she went up to the railing briefly and took off to the northeast.
It was nearly 45 minutes later when I found her again but while I was looking I got pics of the cleanup crew on the Broad St. bridge. While parked on the Court St. bridge I observed them lifting the logs out of the river with a crane. Saw some ducks down on the rocks too.
I left the river view and found Beauty over on the 2nd arm of the Frontier Communications tower.
This is where I left Beauty ending my watch. I am going to Buffalo today with Joyce and Brian for a fledge watch and I had to get home, put my report together and get ready to shuffle off to Buffalo! Keep your eyes to the sky people! 🙂