rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning watch 5-30-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a chilly start with a temperature of 46 (F) 8 (C) with mostly sunny blue skies

When I arrived downtown Dot.Ca (DC) was on cam 1 and Donna informed me that Beauty had just brought in a BIG breakfast for the kids. Thanks D! Most likely DC delivered it to her as he was napping on and off-obviously tired from hunting!

img_0001-dc-on-cam-1 img_0006-sleepy-head Click on my pics for full version

I viewed him from the hole parking lot by He’s Chinese. DC did some stretching in between snoozing and standing guard over his precious family.

img_0015-dc img_0018-stretch-it-all-out img_0019-speed-skater img_0021-fantail

At 7:17am DC spread his wings flapped a couple times and lifted off of cam 1 heading northeast. He looked like daddy long legs on the take off! lol

img_0026-dc-ready img_0028-set img_0030-go

DC had flown over to OCSR top ibeam west corner and stayed just a few minutes before flying to the deck and into the nest box. Beauty made her appearance on cam 1. She too, snoozed  in between looking around the area.

img_0035-dc2 img_0036-beauty img_0038-beauty img_0039-on-watch img_0042-sleeping-beauty

At 7:37am DC flew out the nest box right over to the 3rd ibeam south corner of OCSR and started watching prey birds down below him while scratching a little too. At 7:48am Beauty went down to the nest box and hung out with the eyasses til 9am and I would not see her again on my watch.

img_0058-hi-buddy img_0060-hunt-mode img_0070-hey-you-down-there img_0072-hi-mak

DC poohed a little bullet and at 8:14am flew off OCSR heading southwest.

img_0073-a-little-pooh-bullet img_0075-we-have-lift-off img_0076-whitey-in-flight img_0077-dc-on-the-down-swing

While scoping out the territory from the Andrews St. bridge I spotted a bump on the Frontier Communications Tower. I drove over to Plymouth Ave. and found DC tucked up under the platform on the west side of the tower in hunt mode around 8:30am.


The back lighting was horrible and the bright sun was in my eyes so I went to Church St. for a different angle but DC was gone when I got there. I left to check near the Times Square area but never got there because I spotted DC from State St. on the top ibeam of OCSR near the west corner with his back to me.

img_0088-dc1 img_0089-whitey-with-a-heart

I stayed til 9am and called it a watch with a smile! 🙂

Click on the links below to view todays videos



4 Responses to “Morning watch 5-30-14”

  1. Donna Says:

    Nope, DC did not deliver that BIG breakfast! He was on Cam 1 when Beauty brought it in!! He fed them a morsel just before that!! I like how he looks around the nest for a scrap to feed them. He has the “NEED TO FEED”! 🙂

  2. NCAFalcons Says:

    MAK, fantastic pictures of DC on cam 1!

  3. MAK Says:

    Well thank you for your most informative comment Donna! It’s a good thing that he has a “NEED TO FEED” cuz he has 4 kids that will be needing more and more food! I think cam watchers should write reports too!!! 🙂

  4. MAK Says:

    Thanks NCA! 🙂

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