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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 7-2-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was 70 degrees (F) 21 (C) when I arrived downtown at 5:15am  it was spitting rain on and off at the beginning. It turned out to be mostly sunny and once again humid

My biggest concern was getting downtown early before Tesh decided to depart her overnight window ledge. Mission accomplished-she was still there and after checking on her I whipped over to the Broad St. Bridge to let Dan know I would be watching from Main St.

img_0003-tesh img_0017-tesh

I had an 11 hour watch today so a detailed report just isn’t going to happen-too much for that. The highlight of the day was Tesh making her way back to the Times Square building and more importantly, her family, landing under the southeast wing of Times Square next to her big brother Mercury after making her way via various buildings.


It was a pretty quiet watch after that until early afternoon when Beauty did some fine flying to get her kids to join in. Nobody wanted to play until Dot.Ca (DC) got into the mix-then there were falcons flying all over the place.

img_0052-beauty img_0082-dc-and-mercury img_0085-dc img_0088-dc

The only fledgling that didn’t go out to play with mom and dad was poor little Nor’Easter who was feeling the affects of his accident with the well wall yesterday. He was having trouble with his left wing on and off today. Thankfully he knew enough to stay put and hopefully with a few days rest he’ll be back in the air sharpening his flying skills.

img_0063-noreaster img_0064-noreaster img_0065-nore img_0066-nore

Some random pics from my watch today

img_0032-nettie-and-nore img_0046-a-family-affair img_0060-nettie img_0061-4-of-them img_0068-nettie-looking-down-at-dad

img_0105-dc2 img_0111-not-sure-who img_0100-dc img_0101-tesh-and-mercury-watch-dad-fly

I waited til everyone was settled for the moment and ended my watch at 4pm. As I approached Seneca Towers (home) I spotted Luzerne on her favorite spot-the northwest corner thru an opening in the canopy.

img_0121-luzerne img_0122-big-girl-luzerne img_0123-luzerne

That made me smile as I haven’t seen my Seneca Towers falcons in quite a few days! 🙂

Click on the links below to view more pics and some videos





6 Responses to “Fledge watch 7-2-14”

  1. MaryAnn Says:

    Thanks for the picture of Merc and Tesh. It brings closure to her mishap or is it adventure? She looked so confident up there.

  2. WLABarb Says:

    Love watching ’em fly. Thanks for your report…and the long hours you put in out there, MAK. I’m glad you got to see YOUR resident falcon, Luzerne, too!

  3. NCAFalcons Says:

    Great report MAK. Thank you for the pictures and the update. More importantly, thank you for all the time you put in watching over this family. Luzerne is just beautiful coming into her adult plumage. You are so lucky to have falcons right outside your window! I bet she will be gorgeous next spring. And wonderful video of DC and Mercury flying together. I just love how they are using TSB as their home base this year.

  4. patsy6 Says:

    Thank you, MAK, for your dedication to these precious birds. As we watch the downtown fledglings start their journey through life your pictures help us remember that Luzerne and Veteran are on that journey too, although life for them is a bit more calm at the moment. After Monday and Tuesday’s events with Nettie, Tesh and Nor’easter, I like calm. Calm is good.

  5. June Kogut Says:

    I vote for calm, too, Patsy… I hope Nor’easter has a good recovery from his mishap. Thanks again MAK for a long day “watching and reporting”..GREAT PICTURES!!

  6. MAK Says:

    MaryAnn, I believe Tesh is confident and a pretty good flyer too!

    Barb, I saw Luzerne again today as I made my way down the very tree lined Seth Green drive. There’s only a couple spots that have a large enough opening in the trees to see her-she loves that corner!

    NCA, this family is so close and Beauty has turned them into real home bodies. Good for all of us ground and cam watchers. I’m very lucky to have Luzerne and Veteran visiting my apartment building-tho their fly bys are quick being at eye level more than compensates for that!

    Pat, calm is very good!

    June, hopefully Nor’E is on the mend as we speak, or should I say write. 🙂

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