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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 7-3-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK-

This mornings starting temperature was 70 (F) 21 (C) with overcast dark conditions and light showery activity on and off

Make sure to click on my pics to see the full version

When I arrived on the Broad St. Bridge Dan had a guest with him-a young man from his church named Matthew. He’s interested in being a falcon watcher and we could use some young people to get into it. Nettie was on cam 4 and Nor’Easter on the parapet, Tesh and Mercury on the roof above the well, Beauty was on the column above the nest box and Dot.Ca (DC) was on the top ibeam south corner of OCSR.

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At 6:41am DC came flying in with food and landed on the deck-Nettie came down off cam 4 and took it while Mercury flew thru to check it out on his way by landing on a tiny ledge on the southeast side under the wing ledge. Exceptional job landing on such a small ledge for a new fledgling!

img_0009-little-mercury-flies-thru-to-check-out-what-dad-has-brought img_0014-nettie-gets-the-food-from-dc-and-retreats-with-nore-screaming-on-the-sideline img_0018-mercury

Tesh came in and landed on cam 1 for a short time then flew up to the roof above the well while the Beautyful one came in coming to rest by the main cam then up to cam 1. Mercury whizzed thru again

img_0023-beauty-to-cam-1-and-mercury-streamlined img_0024-beauty-on-cam-and-tesh-above-her

Dan and Matt left at 7:15am and I went down to the hole for closer viewing. DC came in with a food package and landed on the well wall with it. Beauty flew down and took it from him-he flew off to the Wilder green strip and she went to the base of Mercury with the food.

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Tesh then flew over to the Wilder chimney prompting Beauty to go there with the food-she stayed briefly then took it to the deck where she started feeding Nor’Easter beak to beak. Mercury flew over to the southeast corner of Crossroads and Tesh joined him after flying to the northeast wing ledge on Times Square first-a nice flight and landing.

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Let me tell ya, they kept me hopping this morning!  Beauty finished feeding Nor’E and went to the base of Mercury with it about 7:45am. Kathy joined me on watch and Mercury flew to the column above the nest box. Right after that Beauty flew to the southeast column that’s one level higher than the nest box and Mercury went up under the southeast wing. Tesh flew around the back of Times Square then returned to the Crossroads building. DC got up on the fire escape ladder on the Wilder building.

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Around 8am Beauty flew to the top ibeam west corner of OCSR and Mercury joined Tesh on Crossroads. At 9:10am Beauty flew to the column above the nest box and Mercury quickly buzzed her trying to knock his mom off and continued on flying north. Tesh came in landing under the northeast wing and a few minutes later Beauty came flying thru with a prey item which had wings dangling down. Mercury was chasing after her squawking the whole time. They ended up on the base of Mercury where Beauty fed him beak to beak .


Right after that Carol showed up to help Kathy on watch as I had to leave-ending my watch at 9:30am. Unfortunately I won’t be on watch for a few days as I have to house/animal sit for my nephew south of Rochester (paradise). I hope everyone has a nice 4th of July/Independence Day weekend and keep smiling! 🙂

Click on the links below to view more pics and videos from todays fledge watch




6 Responses to “Fledge watch 7-3-14”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Have a great and also restful weekend.

  2. MAK Says:

    Thanks Alison, I plan to do just that! Just me and the critters enjoying nature and its peacefulness 🙂

  3. dee Says:

    MAK, have a restful weekend. Thanks for all you do for these amazing birds.

    Probably the wind had something to do with Nor missing his landing. Unlike Tesh, he didn’t have enough space to intuitively get his bearings. He would most likely have been fine had he been outside that wall. Just had a chance to look at that space and its depth – or lack of it – on the specific camera angle.

    Great to watch him recover. He seems to just know what his body needs to get himself back into the air. He will know when he is ready.

  4. MAK Says:

    Dee, I’m feeling more and more confident with each passing day that Nor’E is going to be fine-he looks improved every day. Hoping he stays put until he’s ready to fly again. 🙂

  5. Bobbie Ireland Says:

    Here I am, MAK – catching up!!! Bad me!!! As always – an exciting report!!

  6. MAK Says:

    Thanks Bobbie! lol 🙂

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