rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 8-18-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a fine morning for a falcon watch with mostly sunny skies and a starting temperature of 58 (F) 13 (C)

Please click on my pics to see the full version

I checked the east side last this morning finding Beauty on the south side of HSBC-I parked on Chestnut St. and sat on a bench in Martin Luther King Jr. Park (formerly Manhattan Square Park) to watch her. The first 10 minutes I spent looking at her back and while she preened. Then she walked down the ledge to pick at a small bit of food.

img_0007-beauty1 img_0013-walking img_0014-picking-at-scraps img_0019-beauty-on-southside-hsbc

After the Beautyful one was done with her scraps she went up to the bottom of the roof railing before flying over to the southeast corner.

img_0020-beauty-up-to-railing img_0023-beauty-takes-off img_0024-beauty img_0026-beauty-is-golden1 img_0034-beauty

I shared space with her for the better part of an hour as she preened,pooped(twice), stretched ,scratched and roused.   There was a pretty bed of flowers in the park that caught my eye.

img_0035-poop img_0036-flower-bed-at-martin-luther-king-jr-park img_0037-streeeetch img_0038-another-stretch

img_0039-scratch img_0040-rouse img_0041-another-poop

Just before the 8 o’clock hour Beauty flew west out of view behind buildings. I caught up with her on the Kodak Office tower (KO)-she was on the southeast corner of the launchpad and she was vocalizing. Soon after I heard the distinct sound of Dot.Ca (DC ) chirping and then they were both in the air. He landed on the southeast corner of the 20th floor and she on the south side just a few feet from him.

img_0043-beauty-looking-at-dc img_0044-dc-watching-beauty-fly img_0048-beauty-lands-a-few-feet-from-dc-on-20th-floor-of-ko

A few minutes later Beauty flew off to land on the northeast corner of the 20th floor opposite from DC. There was a lot of whining and chirping happening as they stayed this way for the next half hour. Beauty got some napping in and DC preened and kept an eye on the territory.

img_0055-bdc-on-20th-floor-of-ko img_0059-dc img_0057-beauty img_0065-dc img_0063-sleeping-beauty

Around 8:45am DC flew toward the High Falls going fast and getting lower and lower as he went out of sight quickly. He never returned and Beauty stayed where she was catching a few winks. No juvie sightings today-tomorrow’s another day.

img_0066-dc img_0068-dc1 img_0084-hello-down-there img_0087-beauty img_0088-beautyful

I ended my watch at 9am smiling as I spent most of  3  hours looking at Rochester Peregrine Falcons! 🙂

Click on the links below to check out my videos from today

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