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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge watch 8-19-14

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

Another lovely morning for a watch with a starting temperature of 52 (F) 11 (C) and gorgeous sky from the sun rising

img_0004-sunrise Remember to click on my pics to see the full version

I began my watch with Dot.Ca (DC) on the top ibeam southeast side of OCSR-I went down to Graves St. by Aqueduct Park for a close view of him.

img_0007-dc-looking-into-the-sun img_0008-whitey

I stayed with DC about 10 minutes then set out to look for Beauty and the kids. I found the Beautyful one but no juvies again today. I spotted her on the RGS antenna from the Inn at Broadway parking lot. I took a couple pics then I drove to East Ave. for a closer look but she was gone.

img_0011-beauty-on-rgs-antenna img_0012-looking-dark-today img_0013-beauty-and-blessings<Click it

I found a pretty bench on East Ave. and DC on the Frontier Communications Tower (FCT) top arm-with his white chest shining in the sun it was hard not to see him.

img_0014-a-bench-on-east-ave img_0018-im-not-looking-at-you-mak img_0021-dc img_0022-hello-buddy

A couple minutes later DC flew down to the 2nd arm of FCT and started watching some little birds below him. He also did some primping and preening.

img_0028-watching-little-birdies img_0029-foofed-up-and-bug-eyed img_0030-falcon-power

Around 7am DC started whining as he announced to me that Beauty had arrived. I looked up to see her on the same top arm he had been on. She too, did some whining of her own.

img_0033-beauty-eh img_0034-whining-for-her-man img_0037-bdc<Click it

Beauty stayed only 10 minutes or so then started to whine and flew off to the southwest in a big hurry. DC remained to do some stretching and scratching.

img_0043-nice-bling img_0045-spread-em-dc img_0048-i-cant-hear-you-mak img_0053-leg-stretch

DebbieH came by around 7:45am on her way to work and while we were chatting DC flew off to the southeast. I drove around for the next hour and a half and wasn’t able to find another falcon. I ended my watch around 9:30am at the High Falls. Our downtown pair of Peregrine Falcons continue to make me smile as they are spending time together renewing  their bond to each other! 🙂

Click on the links below to see my videos from today




2 Responses to “Fledge watch 8-19-14”

  1. Kris G. Says:

    Love these two..so funny! The sunset is gorgeous and love the bench with TS on it! Thanks!

  2. MAK Says:

    They are a riot aren’t they? Kris, that was this mornings sunrise from the east side balcony on my floor. Yeah, the Times Square image on that bench is what drew my attention to it. 🙂

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