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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 8-5-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

There were clouds and sun with a temperature 0f 63 (F) 17 (C)

Last night falcon watcher and good friend Lynda came over to check out the Seneca Towers Falcons and they all showed up for her! We had juvies on the west railing close up and on the south side bridge ledge with food. The adults did some flying overhead close and also landing on the west side railing to end the night.



All 4 here at Seneca Towers last night but nobody this morning. I got an early start downtown as a result and my first stop was Andrews and St. Paul St. to check if there was a name on the falcon mural I took a pic of yesterday. No name or signature but there was a cool phrase-If we forget our passion our hearts go blind.

img_0016-falcon-mural<Click it

I found a juvie on the southeast corner of the HSBC railing like yesterday but it wasn’t there for long and I didn’t get a leg band shot to ID it. Β When it flew off it went southeast


I spotted Beauty from the Andrews St. Bridge (ASB) on the lower white section of the Frontier Communications tower (FCT) east side railing. I started out in the City Hall parking lot but it wasn’t a good angle.


I went down in front of City Hall where she showed up much better as she did some serious preening and pooped for me too! Pooparazzi was on duty.



The Beautyful one sytretched out her beautyful wings and

flew southeast around 7:15am


5 minutes later I came across who I thought was Cadence but after checking pics on the larger computer screen I could clearly see the silver leg band on his right leg-it was Genesee. He was asleep on the west side railing of Widows Walk. I watched from Broad St. at first.


After Genesee woke up, did some preening and a couple stretches he hopped over to north side railing at which time I drove over to Fitzhugh St. to observe him. A couple minutes later he stooped toward the parking lot next to Times Square and I lost sight of him.


I ended up down by FCT when I spotted a falcon flying to and landing on the small FCT from the intersection of Plymouth and Main St. It turned out to be Beauty as she flew off and around to the east side railing of FCT. Dot.ca (DC) flew in and came to rest on the top arm of FCT. I could hear a juvie whining and I suspect it was on the platform with food. Perhaps Genesee had caught whatever he stooped on and was warning mom and dad that they couldn’t have any.


I had an 8 o’clock appointment to get some work done on my car so I had to leave but I drove out of downtown smiling after having seen Genesee for the first time in a few days! πŸ™‚

Click on the links below to view today’s videos



6 Responses to “Morning Fledge Watch 8-5-15”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    So great that you saw Genesee, MAK! I thought he had left us for bluer skies. I know, any day now…
    Thank you for transcribing the mural message. What a great message, and very appropos of falcons and falcon watchers.

  2. dumpsterkitty Says:

    I was wondering what the writing said…thanks for the close up…oh so very very true…

  3. MAK Says:

    Yes Patty, I was happy to see Genesee as well. I thought I’d never see him again. That mural message was quite inspiring! πŸ™‚

  4. MAK Says:

    No problem Eileen. I have appointments the next 2 mornings but I will see if that place opens before I leave downtown to see if I can find out who the artist is that painted the mural. πŸ™‚

  5. June Kogut Says:

    Nice to see Genesee again..I did think he had “moved on”..It will happen too soon as it is. (as it does with every liter.) The mural is amazing! As ever: thanks, MAK! J.

  6. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome June! πŸ™‚

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