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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 8-8-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a deja vu kind of morning weather wise as the temperature was the same as yesterday at 55 (F) 13 (C)  but not quite as clear with a few clouds around to accompany the sun

For the 4th morning in a row I could find no falcons at Seneca Towers, however, I heard a juvie whining when I stepped out on the west side balcony at 5:50am. So they’re around, just not when I am.

I found Beauty on the RGS antenna as I made my way over to the east side after checking downtown. I parked on East Ave. so the sun would be at my back for good lighting. The Beautyful one cooperated by facing that way as well. There were lots of pigeons on the sidewalks that she was eye balling as she preened and stretched.

img_0004-beautyimg_0010-watching-pigeons-on-sidewalkimg_0013-turning-around img_0016-location-shot

Beauty continues to pull out white down feathers as she is in a molt-she spends a lot of time preening and plucking.


I spent about 40 minutes with Beauty then left to look for more falcons at 7am. I wasn’t disappointed as I spotted Dot.ca (DC) on the top east side arm of the Frontier Communications tower (FCT). I pulled over on Fitzhugh St. in front of the Sister Cities parking garage where they were packing in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Traffic was very busy downtown for a Saturday morning with them in town for a revival at the Blue Cross Arena.


DC too was preening and stretching and he pulled a couple white down feathers out so he could very well be molting as well now.


DC switched arms over to the west side top arm when I wasn’t looking, then a couple minutes later he flew out and back to the east side arm once again around 7:30am


At 7:56am DC dove off going into a stoop heading east toward the river. I lost sight of him quickly behind the garage.


I headed east after checking the rest of downtown with no luck until I spotted a juvie on a short RGS antenna and dad was above on the tall RGS antenna middle rung. I parked on East Ave. again as they were both facing that way. The juvie turned out to be Genesee and he was whining up a storm as he stand perched with a full crop.

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DC flew east around 8:25 am and a half minute later Genesee spread his gorgeous juvie wings and flew east after dad.


I drove around the east side near East Main St. and the University Ave. area but to no avail, I couldn’t find them. After a check of downtown with no other sightings I left for Seneca Towers. As I was crossing the Veterans Memorial Bridge I spotted a falcon on the north end of the building but by the time I pulled over it was gone and there were no others around. I ended my watch at 9am-but hold the presses, I just heard a juvie whining outside my living room window. I must go check-be right back. Nope, can’t see anybody from the west or east balconies. Still, reason enough to put a smile on this watcher’s face!! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos





4 Responses to “Morning Fledge Watch 8-8-15”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Still, reason enough to hope you can stay in that apartment and continue to report on falcon sights and sounds in the future.

  2. MAK Says:

    Alison, I think I’ll be here for quite some time to come as it would be hard to find cheaper rent than what I’m paying here. In the mean time I’ll be on watch! 🙂

  3. Alison in Indiana Says:

    That is good to know.

  4. MAK Says:


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