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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 8-9-5

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was a mostly sunny morning with a few clouds in the sky and a temperature of 53 (F) 12 (C)

Joyce came over last night thirsty to see a juvie and she wasn’t disappointed as Sellie showed up along with daddy Seth. They both took turns flying at the tree top level of the gorge trees below us from the 16th floor west side balcony. Sellie landed on the south side bridge ledge and Seth brought food to Sellie-he grabbed the food and flew off with it. Seth flew east then Sellie returned to eat his snack. He remained on the bridge until dark and we called it a night.


My morning watch started with big beautiful Buffalo Billie on her south side top window ledge. She did a couple stretches while I was there but mainly just stood there perched.


I left for downtown and just about 7am while I was pulled over on the south side of the Broad St. bridge (BSB) I watched a few pigeons fly thru acting all frantic and nervous and right behind them came Beauty-the reason for their behavior. She made a couple attempts at catching one near the Court St. bridge but missed and reversed her flight back past me heading northwest. That was fun for a few seconds but it would be another hour before I found the Beautyful one again-I occupied my time by watching the shore birds between the Court St. bridge and BSB for a bit. There were 2 Great Blue Herons, a Black-crowned night Heron, ducks, geese and gulls.



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I spotted Beauty from Main St. around 8am on the RGS antenna-I drove over to Lawn St. to observe as she was still in hunt mode looking to and fro. Occasionally she would preen and rouse (shake her whole body)-she shook a couple white down feathers out of her on one rouse.


My time with Beauty was short-lived as she flew northwest after 20 minutes or so. I never did find her or any other falcons.


I checked the High Falls gorge on my way out of downtown-the Genesee Brewery was setting up for an event and had the parking lot blocked off so I drove right up to the east end of the Pont de Rennes pedestrian bridge to park. There was nothing going on in the gorge so I left for home. After checking the perimeter of Seneca Towers I had no falcon sightings there so I ended my watch at 9am. Keep smiling everyone! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos





2 Responses to “Morning Fledge Watch 8-9-5”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    Nice of Seth and Billie to have had their brood a bit later than Beauty and DOT ca, so it spread out the end of the “juvie watch” for us!! Rochester is sure a pretty “town” for watching anything..The gorge with running water and all the accompanying animal life is amazing..Thank YOU for all the watching and smiling you bring to us! June (smiling)

  2. MAK Says:

    June, it’s totally my pleasure to bring what I see to all of you at home. I know how much I would appreciate it if I couldn’t get out to watch myself. We’re so lucky to have all this wildlife in our fair city to enjoy and I’m thankful every day for it! So, how could I not smile eh!? 🙂

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