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Eyes to the Skies

Sunday Afternoon Fledge Watch – 8/9/15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

11:30 am – 4:30 pm

Cool mornings, cool evenings and warm afternoons.  I do love summertime!

I was out on Friday and only saw two falcons, both from the pedestrian bridge.  Too far to be able to tell if they were adults or juvies.  I saw one land on an antenna on top of a building east of HSBC.  Not sure what building this is.  The other falcon was on the Frontier Communication Tower below the platform.  These are the only two falcons I saw on Friday.

Falcon on Bldg East of HSBC Downtown -8-7-15Falcon on FCT -8-7-15Falcon on FCT -8-7-15

Sunday, 8/9/15 – My watch started at 11:30 am today.  On my way downtown, I first checked out Seneca Towers and Hawkeye. No falcons were seen at either location.

Downtown, I found Beauty on the Frontier Communication Tower, below the platform on the north side.  She was looking very dark, so I brought out my scope to make sure it wasn’t a juvie.  Nope, definitely Beauty.

Beauty on FCT -8-9-15Beauty on FCT -8-9-15

Dot.ca was on the Powers Bldg.

Dot.ca on the Powers Bldg -8-9-15

I drove all over downtown, but was unable to find Cadence or Genesee.  It was time to head for the gorge.

There was a car show at the Genesee Brewery, so I had to find a parking spot on the west end of the pedestrian bridge.  From there, I made my way to the east end of the bridge.  Lots of folks and lots of really cool cars.  I found my falcon watcher dream car.  See the silver beauty in the 3rd picture below.  🙂

Car Show at the Brewery -8-9-15Car Show at the Brewery -8-9-15A Perfect Car for Falcon Watching! -8-9-15

I spent a couple hours on the pedestrian bridge, enjoying the sunshine and a band playing 50’s/60’s music.  Awesome!  Of course it would have been a lot better if two juvies we know and love made their way into the gorge.  So I just sat back and enjoyed the afternoon.

My View of the High Falls -8-9-15My View of the High Falls -8-9-15

At 3:00 pm, I drove around downtown one last time, but found no juvies.  So I ended my downtown watch at 3:45 pm.

On my way home, I again stopped to check out the Seneca Tower (ST) falcons.  I stopped at Maplewood Park, which is across the river to the northwest of ST.  From the parking lot, I had a distant view of Seneca Towers, but a nice view of the area.  I could see one falcon at the north end at the base of the railing.  As I was starting to tweet that, the beautiful sound of a juvie vocalizing filled the air.  Directly above me was a juvie attempting to catch up with an adult that was much higher.  The adult flew west and the juvie followed.  I was just so thrilled to finally see and hear a young falcon! 🙂

ST Juvie Over Maplewood Park -8-9-15ST Juvie Over Maplewood Park -8-9-15ST Juvie Over Maplewood Park -8-9-15

I next checked out the east end of Kodak Park, near the Research Labs.  The only raptor I found was a Red-tailed Hawk on a smoke stack catwalk.  It was time to end my watch.

RTH on KP Smoke Stack -8-9-15

3 Responses to “Sunday Afternoon Fledge Watch – 8/9/15”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Nice shots of the ST juvie in flight, Carol. It’s lovely to see the sun shining through his feathers.

  2. Joyce Says:

    Juvies are getting more scare. Nice catch getting one flying overhead. I had none yesterday.

  3. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks Pat and Joyce!

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