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Eyes to the Skies

Monday Afternoon Fledge Watch – 8/10/15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

2:00 – 4:15 pm

Dark clouds were moving in quickly.  It was raining when I arrived on the pedestrian bridge.  From the bridge I spotted a falcon on the Radisson.  Too far away to ID or even say if it was an adult or juvie.

Falcon on the Radisson -8-10-15Falcon on the Radisson -8-10-15

By the time I arrived at the Radisson the falcon was gone.  Of course.  🙂

I ended up on the Broad St Bridge where I spotted a falcon on the NE corner of Thomson Reuters.  Sorry Pat, I said NW corner in my tweet.  This was definitely a juvie.  Dark sky and rain made it hard to figure out if this was Cadence or Genesee.  But, after checking my pictures, I believe it was Genesee.  I could not see blue tape on the USFW band.

Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15

Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15

Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15Juvie on Thomson Reuters -8-10-15

Genesee was hyper-sensitive to all his surroundings.  He watched the pigeons, gulls, ducks and geese as they flew below him over the river.  Especially the pigeons.

At 3:15 pm, he took off heading north, flying low over the river.  I lost sight of him when he passed behind the OCSR.  I searched for Genesee, but could not find him or any other falcons.  It started to pour, so I headed home, stopping at ST for a quick look.  No falcons seen there either.

Lots of rain forecast for Rochester tonight.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day to search for our falcons.  I was very happy to have seen Genesee today.  🙂

Dark Clouds Approach Downtown BSB -8-10-15Rainy Falcon Watch -8-10-15

2 Responses to “Monday Afternoon Fledge Watch – 8/10/15”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Well, there I was in that seventh floor conference room (the windows you see in the first TR picture) looking NW for Genesee, and he was right above me! So I couldn’t have seen him anyway. 😀

    The photo taken through the raindropped windshield is cool, Carol. It sort of looks like an impressionist painting.

  2. Carol P. Says:

    I’m so sorry about that Pat. Good to know you could not have seen him anyway. lol 😀

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