rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Tuesday Afternoon/Evening Fledge Watch – 8/11/15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

2:45 pm to 8:30 pm

It was a beautiful summer afternoon/evening with temps in the 70’s and bright sunshine.

From the Broad St Bridge, I could see that there was a falcon at the Times Square Bldg nest box.  I found a spot to park on Aqueduct St aka “the hole”.  I quickly tweeted that there was a falcon there and that I thought it was an adult.  Shaky quickly turned pan cam towards our visitor and texted that it was Cadence!  She had her back to me which looked very dark.  Plus having the sun directly in my eyes didn’t help.  lol  Here are a view pics captured by the Rfalconcam Pan Cam.


I was so happy that she was at the nest box so all her fans could see her.  🙂

She was there at 2:45 pm when I arrived for my watch and was gone at 5:25 pm.  When she turned around, I could see it was a juvie.  During the time she was there, she preened, slept, pooped and played with the wires connected to the back of the main camera.  Joyce joined me during the time Cadence was at the nest box.  Here are some pictures I took.

Cadence at the TSB Nest Box -8-11-15Cadence at the TSB Nest Box -8-11-15Cadence at the TSB Nest Box -8-11-15

Cadence at the TSB Nest Box -8-11-15Cadence at the TSB Nest Box -8-11-15Cadence at the TSB Nest Box -8-11-15

When Cadence took off, she headed north down Exchange to State St.  Joyce headed to the Frontier Comm Tower and Kodak Office, while I went to the Andrews St Bridge (ASB).  Joyce reported that Beauty was on the Kodak Tower’s east side launch pad. From the ASB, I saw a falcon flying over the Radisson, diving on the gulls flying over the river.  I believe it was a juvie.  I lost sight of the juvie as it passed behind the Radisson.

From the Broad St Bridge, I could find no falcons, so I decided to head to the pedestrian bridge to check out the gorge.  Joyce and Kathy O joined me there.  We saw no falcons in the gorge, but we could see Beauty up on the Kodak Tower.  Larry O joined the evening watch.

We did see two falcons flying together over the river near the OCSR.  They were talon tagging and one was larger than the other. The smaller falcon headed east and the larger one flew to the Kodak Tower.  We could see two falcons there now.  It looked like Dot.ca on the launch pad and another falcon on the south side arch ledge.  It was too dark to see if there was a 3rd one.

At 8:15 pm, the other watchers left.  I decided to drive around downtown one last time.  Both the falcons were gone from the Kodak Tower.  The only falcon I could find was on the Xerox Tower on the south side, 5th column in from the southeast corner. This was the spot that Beauty favored for her nighttime roost.  At 8:30 pm, it was too dark to see anything, so I ended my watch.

I’ll leave you with a couple of pictures I took of the towering clouds near the Kodak Tower.  Goodnight!

Towering Clouds Near K-Tower -8-11-15Towering Clouds Near K-Tower -8-11-15

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