rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 8-24-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was an overcast morning with a temperature of 63 (F) 17 (C)

Billie and Seth were on the south end top window ledge to greet me this morning as I started my watch. They were facing each other at each end of the ledge. I started on Seth Green Drive then drove out onto St. Paul St. so I could get a better view of Seth. While I was taping them Buffalo Billie flew south and returned 1 minute later and that was the extent of the action.



This was the first time in a very long time I’ve seen this pair so close together-they’ve been a little busy raising their boys whom I haven’t seen in a couple days.


I left them as they were for downtown and as  I was pulled over on the Andrews St. bridge I spotted Beauty on the bottom arm of the Frontier Communications tower. (FCT)


I went over to Fitzhugh St. in front of the Sister Cities garage to watch the Beautyful one. The wind was blowing her feathers as she looked around the area.


Beauty preened a little as the sun broke thru the thick cloud cover for a minute or two. She then walked a couple feet to her right.


At 7:25am Beauty flew off to the south.


I left and ended up on the east side behind HSBC where I saw a falcon fly to the southeast corner and land with its back to me. It looked small to me so I think it was Dot.ca or Genesee. I had enough time to get one pic before he took off.


I saw it flying over near Midtown sending all the pigeons in the area scattering every which way. He landed 3 more times on the same corner staying only long enough for a quick look then off again. I kept losing him behind the buildings in the area as he flew in and out of the area and then I didn’t see him again. I had to get going early today so when I found Beauty on the way out of downtown on the northeast corner of the Kodak Office launchpad I didn’t stay too long.


I ended my watch at 8:15am with a smile ! 🙂

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