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Eyes to the Skies

Morning Fledge Watch 8-25-15

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

The sun was bright at the start of the day with a temperature of 59 (F) 15 (C) but clouds are now taking over


My first look from the west side balcony of my 16th floor apartment here at Seneca Towers I didn’t see anything. I was just about to leave when I spotted a juvie flying near the Osprey tree south of here. It looked like it would land on another tree further south when another juvie buzzed by it and then they were both off to the races. Talon tagging and flying together over the river then out of view further south into the tree canopy. That was a fun start to my watch! As I rounded the corner in my parking lot I spotted Seth and Billie on the top window ledge south end of the building. Seth left while I was parking my car but Billie remained.


I didn’t stay long as she seemed to get settled in. As I scanned downtown with my binoculars from the Andrews St. bridge I spotted the back of a falcon on the east side arch of Kodak Office. I drove down to Brown and State St. where I could see the Beautyful salmon colored front of Beauty. She was looking north very intently.


She stretched a little and looked east once or twice but she was focused on something to the north for the most part. Seneca Towers is in that direction and I had to wonder if she was watching falcons up there. Anyway, Beauty flew north at 7:20am and I watched as far as I could before she disappeared behind buildings.


It would be 45 minutes later before I found her again as I was driving thru the intersection of Broad St. and South Ave. from checking the east side I saw a falcon flying toward OCSR and then it landed on the very top round restaurant roof. It took off and circled above the building a couple times then flew southwest to the jail tower and landed on the top arm. I drove to Troup St. for a closer look and to ID it as Beauty.


She was facing south but looking north for most of the 10 minutes I observed her until she flew north at 8:23am.


I never found her again and ended up going home after a quick check in the High Falls gorge. I found Seth on the south side top window ledge at the east end of it which is usually where Billie perches. He was in hunt mode and busy watching the sparrows below in my parking lot.


Seth flew off once while I was looking away but soon returned and started preening a bit.


I had to get going thus ending my watch at 9:30am. It made smile to see the juvies down by the river this morning as I thought they had moved on! 🙂

Click on the links below to see today’s videos




4 Responses to “Morning Fledge Watch 8-25-15”

  1. June Kogut Says:

    And the beat goes on !It’s a beautiful day on the Cape, too..I envy you our Falcons! Smile on, MAK

  2. MAK Says:

    June, are you in Cape Cod? Love it there-I had cousins that lived there. When I was a kid we visited them and I thought it was so cool to have sand for a yard instead of grass. A fond memory to make me smile! Thanks!! 🙂

  3. Alison in Indiana Says:

    Quest hung out on the Cape for a while before settling down.

  4. MAK Says:

    Yes she did Alison and she had some admirers there as well! 🙂

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