rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Watch Compilation for 11/15-11/21

For those of you not following on twitter, facebook, kfalconcam, or the rfalconcam forum, Beauty has been sighted several time over the past week in the downtown area.

11/16 – Beauty decided that this territory was worth defending.  RTH goes DOWN! into the gorge.  Kakking heard!

11/17 – Falcon on jail Comm Tower.  Coop in the gorge.

11/18 – Falcon on Civic Center and Frontier Comm towers. Sharp-shinned hawk on Skye’s Building being harassed by gulls.

11/21 – Beauty spotted on Midtown


3 Responses to “Watch Compilation for 11/15-11/21”

  1. Maureen in MA Says:

    Thank you! 🙂

  2. Debbe L Says:

    Love nature but don’t have the heart, stomach or the ‘want to’ see the survival of the fittest when it comes to watching a being eat/shoot/kill another being….restaurants can even gross me out watching someone tear into their food! No, I’m not a veagan – it just gags me. GOD probably shakes his head at me and giggles a little but that’s how I’m put together!

  3. Kathy Villone Says:


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