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Eyes to the Skies

Monday afternoon Falcon Watch 2-13-17

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was quite blustery and overcast with a temperature of 28 (F) -2 (C)

I spent more time looking for falcons today than actually watching them. There was no sign of Billie or Seth when I left or when I returned home to Seneca Towers. I found Beauty from the hole on the top I-beam southeast side of OCSR on my way through downtown to go walk Bella. She flew off when I was tweeting so I moved on.


After walking my canine buddy, Bella I went in search of the 2 falcons that have been seen in Brighton. No luck finding them at the Brighton Site (BS), DSS or the apartment building on Plymouth Ave. at Genesee St. It’s called Brooks Crossing on google maps but the stone wall out front of it says Brooks Landing. I returned to downtown hoping to find Dot.ca (DC) this time and I wasn’t disappointed. I spotted both he and the Beautyful one on OCSR, top I-Beam southeast side.


I watched them first from the hole, then over on Graves St. next to Aqueduct Park and finally from the Radisson Hotel by Main St.

img_0015-beauty<Beauty img_0017-dc<DC

They both flew off to the west out of view and a few seconds later Beauty returned to circle above the river and Radisson Hotel a few times before settling on the same I-beam of OCSR she had just vacated. Soon after, DC joined his Beautyful mate landing just 3 windows across from her.

beauty-2 img_0015-beauty1 img_0020-b<Beauty

img_0024-dc img_0025-dc img_0027-dc

DC was napping on and off when I left them.

img_0028-bdc<Click it to see the full version

When I got home and didn’t find Billie or Seth I took a ride down to Seneca Park to check out the water birds to kill some time, hoping they would be there when I returned but no such luck.

img_0037-cygnet-mute-swan-and-ducks img_0044-swan-eating swan

I ended my watch around 3:30pm after sharing space with our downtown pair of Peregrine Falcons, Beauty and DC who always put a smile on my face! 🙂

Click on the links below to check out today’s videos




8 Responses to “Monday afternoon Falcon Watch 2-13-17”

  1. patsy6 Says:

    Thanks, MAK. The waterfowl pictures are especially nice. I’m glad the plan for the eradication of mute swans in NY State has been nixed.

  2. MAK Says:

    Glad you liked them Pat! 🙂

  3. WLABarb Says:

    Well, I guess two PEFAs are better than none, right?
    That was quite a gathering of water foul. The young Swan seems content as a solo in the mix. Wonder if somebody told him he was the Ugly Duckling?! ;^)

    Thanks for your report, MAK!

  4. MAK Says:

    That cygnet has been hanging out with the ducks since his parents left. Hopefully they will come back as they’ve been nesting at the other end of that pond for a few years. 🙂

  5. TapperGal Says:

    Such beautiful pictures of Beauty,DC as well as the water ducks.I am always amazed at nature and the beauty that surrounds us daily.Thank you MAK.

  6. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Diane! Nature’s beauty is everywhere, we only need to look. 🙂

  7. Alison in Indiana Says:

    I guess I was the only one to notice that Beauty was in the nest box at Times Square and DC was out next to the Main Camera yesterday at about 3:30 pm. They looked around a lot, one of them squeaked at the other (Beauty?) and then first DC and then Beauty took off for the city about 3:40pm. Things are heating up in Rocha-cha!

  8. MAK Says:

    They sure are Alison, as Dana witnessed them mating today! 🙂

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