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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch/A rainy morning 6-19-17

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It rained on and off with overcast skies and a temperature of 70 (F) 21 (C)

Click on the pics to see the full version

I arrived downtown at 5 am but forgot my phone so I went back home and returned about 5:30 as it was raining. From the hole I could see Beauty and Dot.ca (DC) next to each other on OCSR top I-beam south corner and I could see no juvies.


I drove over to the Court St. Bridge to watch with Dan where I could see most of the spots our juvies might be. I soon spotted 2 juvies flying over the Wilder building. One of them went to Powers and one to Wilder chimney. Soon there were two falcons at Powers and the chimney juvie flew west towards the back of Times Square (TSB). Both adults were gone and then one of the Powers birds flew toward the back of TSB as well.

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Beauty came flying in with food and a juvie flew up to her and got the food out of her talons and flew off with it towards the back of TSB. I left Dan to check things out and found Rachel and Charlotte eating on the back lower roof of TSB. And the Beautyful one was on the east side of the railing on Widows Walk (WW). Beauty then delivered food to Ontario on the northwest corner of WW.

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I had to park down on Broad St. Washington St. to see both WW and the back of TSB where everybody was but when I got there it looked like only one of the girls was still there.

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At 6:30am I could confirm all 5 downtown Rochester Peregrine Falcons were present and accounted for.  DC on OCSR top Ibeam W corner, Charlotte on NE corner Powers, Beauty with Ontario on WW and Rachel on TSB. I then returned to the CSB to find that Larry and Zeke had joined the watch.


Carol arrived around the same time that DC was spotted on the jail tower. Beauty showed up on Powers before flying to the column above the nest box where a juvie had food, then she flew to the Mercury money bag (MMB).

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DC left the jail tower and ended up on the Powers building near the southeast corner. There was no mistaking his whiteness even on a dreary day such as it was this morning.


Dan and Larry left as it started raining again and Carol and I went to our cars. I drove over to the Andrews St. bridge and found a juvie on the north side of Crossroads and one on the east side of the Wilder roof. Carol confirmed that the juvie on the TSB juvie was still there so we had accounted for everyone.

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I left at 8am to go walk Jeanne’s dog, Bella as it had stopped raining and while we were walking at the Brighton site I spotted 2 fawns in the very tall grass. I also spotted a wild turkey when we were leaving, I could only see his head sticking up in the grass.

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I stopped downtown real quick on my way through at 9am and was able to see all 3 juvies and both adults. Beauty was on the MMB, DC on a wing ring, a juvie on CR and a juvie on Powers. I was smiling as I left downtown Rochester ending my fledge watch at 9:20am! 🙂

Click on the link below to check out my snippet video from today’s watch


6 Responses to “Fledge Watch/A rainy morning 6-19-17”

  1. Carla Provenzano Says:

    Great report, great pics, MAK. My favorite part today was the Snippets, complete with fawns and the wild turkey who thought he was hiding!!!

  2. Kate Ballard Says:

    Thanks for keeping an eye on them. I would never see them but for the pics!

  3. MAK Says:

    Carla, Bella and I were so excited to see those fawns at BS! Gotta love babies of any species!! 🙂

  4. MAK Says:

    Happy to oblige you Kate! 🙂

  5. TapperGal Says:

    oh great “watch”.The flying pics are great and those sweet fawns.What a lucky morning you had MAK.Thanks as usual.

  6. MAK Says:

    Thanks Diane! Any time spent with nature is lucky! 🙂

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