rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Learning the Falcon Watching Ropes Downtown

I spent some time downtown on Wednesday afternoon learning how to navigate the much different environment than I’ve been used to in my ten years of watching the Rochester falcons.  As a bonus I got to see a nice intruder chase, and take some pretty shots of Archer and Beauty to boot.

Read all about it in my latest Peregrinations post.

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One Response to “Learning the Falcon Watching Ropes Downtown”

  1. Birdlover Says:

    Saw the same aerial fight, but didn’t have the heart to watch it anymore. I only hope it’s not Mariah.

    Archer loves sitting on that corner of the Wilder building. It’s amazing that he goes right back to his same perch. Creatures of habit for certain.

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