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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch/ST juvies seen 7-12-17

By Rochester Falcon Watcher MAK

It was overcast and very humid again this morning with a temperature of  66 (F) 19 (C)

Be sure to click on the pics to see the full version

First off-I saw the Seneca Towers brothers last night. As I was at my living room window doing physical therapy on my shoulder I saw a juvie fly past coming from the north. I grabbed my camera and out to the west side balcony I went. There was a juvie on the west side railing facing me at first then he flew west. Seth flew through from the south and then the juvie returned to the railing.

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After that a juvie appeared to land on the roof and then a second juvie landed on the railing. I thought perhaps dad had dropped off food as the railing bird turned around, started whining and was looking down at the roof.

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Next thing I knew the railing bird flew off and joined his brother to give me a brief little flying show and then they left and didn’t return.

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This morning I arrived downtown a little after 5am for my morning fledge watch. I started on the east side and found Beauty on the 5 Star Bank east side near the south corner. It was still dark out and the lights on Xerox and Legacy Tower were still lit. Tower 280 had no lights on today. I watched the Beautyful one for less than 5 minutes when she flew off heading west at which time I heard a whining juvie but never saw it.

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I then drove over to the Court St. bridge (CSB) and joined Dan. When I arrived Rachel was on the ledge above the nest box eating, Beauty was on the Powers cam and Dot.ca (DC) was on the top arm of the jail tower (JCT).

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DC stooped off the JCT and landed on the Spectrum tower momentarily and then he was gone. Things were quiet for a while until we watched a juvie Black-crowned Night Heron (BCNH) fly in and land in the river over by the Broad St. bridge. There was also an adult over by the library on a log. I checked on the ducklings who are getting a little bigger each day and unfortunately their numbers are less each day as well. Both BCNH’s flew off with the adult landing on a log at the top of one of the logs above the locks.

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Larry and Zeke rolled in at 6:45am and brought a juvie with him as one appeared on the JCT. Soon after, our other downtown juvie flew in and knocked the one off the JCT and the fun and games began. Rachel and Ontario flew around the tower talon tagging and taking turns landing and knocking each other off of it for a few minutes.

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One of them flew east out of view and the other landed on the JCT only to fly off a minute later when we were looking for its sibling. We were back to having only Beauty in sight on the Powers cam.

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That was the extent of the action we saw this morning. Dan and I called it a watch at 7am and left Larry and Zeke on the CSB. I was very happy to see the Seneca Towers juvies again and of course it put a smile on this watchers face! 🙂

Click on the links below to see snippets of our Rochester Peregrine Falcons



12 Responses to “Fledge Watch/ST juvies seen 7-12-17”

  1. Donna Cook Says:

    So happy you saw the ST boys, great pics!! THX!!

  2. MAK Says:

    Well you are very welcome Donna! I was ecstatic to see them again as I was starting to wonder if I would. I’m happy to share space with them even if it is only for a few minutes!! 🙂

  3. Joyce Says:

    Last night Ontario flew east. Wonder where and how far out of downtown they are spreading.

  4. patsy6 Says:

    Glad the ST family is still around! MAK, have you heard how the third ST juvie is doing in rehab, and if it’s a boy or a girl?

  5. MAK Says:

    I don’t know Joyce but we can never seem to find them once they leave the downtown area. 🙂

  6. MAK Says:

    Pat, I’ve not heard a thing about the ST juvie other than it was found in my parking lot and went to rehab. 🙂

  7. WLABarb Says:

    Billie and Seth’s two boys are quite handsome! Yes, so glad they made an appearance again. Those PT exercises come with extra benefits! ;^)
    Thanks for your great report, stills and videos, MAK!

  8. MAK Says:

    You’re welcome Barb! That’s the second time I was doing PT at the window and saw falcons! BONUS!!! 🙂

  9. Annie in MT Says:

    Love the pictures of the ST juvies – it’s great that you can see them so close and the detail of the pictures is excellent. These are some of my favorites. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. Larry OHeron Says:

    May not have been action packed but it was a nice morning. B-)

  11. MAK Says:

    You’re so very welcome Annie! And thank you for commenting. 🙂

  12. MAK Says:

    Yes it was Larry! 🙂

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