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Eyes to the Skies

Fledge Watch Continues – Tuesday – 6/12/18

By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.

Today’s Fledge Watchers:

Morning/Afternoon – Larry, Kathy O, June and Carol P. (6:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Evening – Pat, Brian, Carrie, Lisa, Ryan and Larry O. (5:30 – 8:30 pm)

Weather:  Very warm, with temps in the mid 80’s, not much wind and lots and lots of sun.

Third day of fledge watch, and no fledges yet.  Although Mike is getting closer.  He’s been running and flapping on the wall like a champ, jumping up onto the top of the nest box and finally making it to the top of camera 4.  All steps toward his first flight.

Kathy O and I covered the fledge watch from 8 am to 4 pm.  Most of the time it was very quiet, but there were times when the eyases and adults were very active.  Beauty and Dot.ca are flying high above and around the Times Square Bldg. giving their young ones flying lessons.  They seem to be getting less food at this time.  This is normal.  They need to slim down a bit before they fly.

The evening watchers reported continued activity by the falcon family.  They ended their evening watch at 8:30 pm.

Here are some pictures from my morning/afternoon fledge watch.

*Be sure to click on the pictures to see the full image.*





In case you’ve ever wondered, here is our view from Aqueduct St, aka “the hole”.


2 Responses to “Fledge Watch Continues – Tuesday – 6/12/18”

  1. Kathy O Says:

    Love the peek a boo eyas!

  2. Carol P. Says:

    They are so cute! Thanks for your comment Kathy! 🙂

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