Another Four Rochester Falcon Day! – 6/2/12
By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
Date : 6/2/12 (Saturday)
Time: On and off during the day until 9:00 pm
Weather: It started out sunny. The clouds and rain. Then sunny again. Temps in the 60’s. It actually turned out to be a very nice day.
Watchers: Kathy O, Dana, Joyce, Brian H and Carol P.
Places: Downtown Rochester (Times Square Nestsite) (TS), Brighton Site (BS) and Kodak Park (KP)
Peregrines Seen: Beauty (at TSB), (at TSB and probably BS), Pigott (at BS) and KPT or KP Tiercel (at KP)
Beauty = B = DC
Pigott = P (the female falcon formerly known as SA or Sub Adult at BS Location)
KP Tiercel = KPT (Male Sub-adult – Not ID’d yet but hopefully we’ll ID this little guy soon)
Times Square Bldg = TSB
Brighton Site = BS
Broad St Bridge = BSB
Baush & Lomb Bldg = B&L Bldg
Old Changing Scenes Restaurant = OCSR
Kodak Park aka Eastman Business Park = KP
Again, today, all four Rochester Falcons were seen. The day started out sunny, but turned overcast and rainy mid-morning. Then back to sunshine and clouds. It actually turned out to be a very nice day with temps in the high 60’s. Very refreshing.
I had a lot of stuff to do today, so I was in and out of Falcon Watching all day.
During the day I met up with Dana and Kathy O. Missed seeing Joyce and Brian when they were out later in the day. We spotted all four Rochester Falcons. First, Pigott at the BS location, then Beauty and at the TSB nest site. Last we saw KPT out at Kodak Park. He was sitting on the railing in front of the red door on the east smoke stack. Later in the day, Kathy O was out at the BS location and she saw two Peregrines there. Dana joined her there and I headed downtown to see if I could find D.C. I could not. So we assume that he was out visiting with Pigott. Although he was not positively ID’d.
Kathy O & Dana reported that the 2nd Falcon was no longer at the BS location and it wasn’t long before D.C. returned to the TSB and took over covering the eggs from Beauty. I saw him land on the nest box and I could hear ee-chupping fill the air. The on-line Watchers reported that Beauty didn’t look or sound happy, but eventually got up and let D.C. take over. From the ground, I saw Beauty fly out of the nest box and head east. By the time I got myself up to the Broad St Bridge, she was gone.
I wasn’t out as much as I wanted to be today, but was very happy to see all 4 Rochester Falcons. It was a very good day indeed!
I follow my own advice and always keep my eyes to the sky! There be Falcons up there! 🙂
June 2nd, 2012 at 10:47 PM
I don’t know how you all make time in your day to follow the falcons, but you do. Thank you.
Love to read the reports. Someday…
June 3rd, 2012 at 7:44 PM
We hope that you have the time to join us someday Margaret. 🙂