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Eyes to the Skies

Quickie falcon watch 6-1-12

By Rochester falcon watcher MAK

So I was sitting in my recliner all cinched in for the night or so I thought, when the phone rings. It’s KathyO calling to tell me about the new spot she saw Beauty perched on tonight. Then she says she’s going to check KP before going home and then it’s-hey you want me to come get you and we’ll both go? I’m like-of course! So off we went. We arrived there about 7:00ish and found nothing,even the whitewash(poop trail)  was all gone from the rain today where the pefa hangs out there. So as we sat there in the rain with darkness coming fast Kathy said lets go look downtown-ok by me since I didn’t get down there today cuz of the rain.

As we approached the back(west side) of Times Square we pulled over on Broad St. near Washington St. and Kathy pointed out where she had found Beauty earlier in the grid work. It made me wonder how many times I had sat on the bridge wondering where she could be when she could have been right back there. Sheesh! Anyway, she wasn’t there anymore so we went searching. Parked on the Andrews St. bridge facing west looking toward the Frontier Communications Tower when Kathy says what’s that up on that building? I put my binocs up to my eyes and lo and behold it’s the Beautyful one!


It was raining a bit and kinda dark so the quality of the pics is awful but I like taking pics of her so I got out the car and walked closer to improve my view. Checking from both sides.

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I walked around the building to see what the name was but it didn’t say. All I can tell you is that it was on the corner of State and Andrews streets marked 150 State St. I had been to this building a couple times with Joyce as she had to pay a bill to I believe an insurance company located in it. And that’s about it for my quickie watch. Kathy took me home as it was too dark to keep hanging out. I must tip my hat to KathyO for finding our Beautyful girl in not 1 but 2 new spots tonight. Good job girl! And I thank her for getting me out to share time and space with my favorite falcon which always makes me smile! 🙂

Click the link below for a few more pics


4 Responses to “Quickie falcon watch 6-1-12”

  1. Ginny Says:

    MAK, those pics of Beauty are “beauty-ful” 🙂
    She is looking great and it is so good to see her!
    Thank you!

  2. Joyce Says:

    150 State Street houses the Rochester Business Alliance on the top floor. It allows members to get group discounts on health insurance.

  3. MAK Says:

    She is looking good Ginny! And thanks for the info Joycie-I got the insurance part right. lol 🙂

  4. margaret Says:

    SHe is a BEAUTY! Great pictures and I’m glad you got out to take them! thank you!

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