rfalconcam - FalconWatch


Eyes to the Skies

Diana R- Thursday, June 26, 1-3 p.m.

When I arrived I could see one adult falcon on the south-east corner of the
tower, 17th floor. Incorrectly taking it for granted that this was Mariah,
because in past years it has been her favorite spot, I was later corrected
by Shaky, who appeared briefly, having been roaming around to try to get a
better view. He pointed out that Mariah was on the smokestack (which I had
looked at from another angle) and that the south-east corner bird was Kaver.
He added that two juvies were on the flat roofs just south of the tower, and
another had been seen on the peak of Building 10. Before returning to work
he told me more, but I’ll leave it to him to post the story of the

As I had forgotten my notebook, it was probably fortunate that most of my
watch was uneventful, but highlights were as follows.

While I was trying to find a better angle of view, Mariah must have left the
smokestack and flown to the scrape, where she perched on one of the camera
struts for most, or possibly all of my watch.

Kaver stooped toward the west side of the tower, toward a fairly small bird.
He was unsuccessful, but from the commotion caused amongst the juvies you’d
think he’d caught a pterodactyl! Two immediately flew after him and around
the tower. At one point there were four birds in the air. I am not sure
whether they were three juvies and Kaver, or two juvies and Kaver and

Two juvies ended up on Building 9. One lay near the edge of the roof of the
glass part of the building and did a lot of kakking. The other was nearer to
the tower, and then disappeared. I did not see it fly, so am guessing that
it walked back out of sight, but it might have been one of those mentioned

I then spotted two juvies on the south-east corner of the tower, one on the
19th floor and one on the 17th. I think they remained there for the rest of
my watch, as did the one on Building 9. All were lying down – it was a
fairly warm day. Note that when they lie down at the back of a ledge,
against the building, they sometimes disappear. One of them did this. I am
fairly, but not totally sure, that I continued to be able to see just enough
of something that I think it remained there. If it did, then I saw at least
four juvies, because suddenly there was one in the air. It flew briefly,
attempted balancing on the peak of Bulding 10, disappeared, and then
(assuming it was the same one) flew to the base of the cupola, where it
perched and remained until the end of my watch.

In the meantime, Mariah was on a camera strut by the scrape, and Kaver was
on the eastern side of the launch pad, about half way between the rockets.


3 Responses to “Diana R- Thursday, June 26, 1-3 p.m.”

  1. Rosamund Says:

    I enjoyed your detailed report, Diane. You hardly need a notebook. I wonder if Kaver was demonstrating hunting skills. Seneca seems to have returned to the playpen. Has she de-fledged?

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Thanks for your report Diana. Sorry I missed you today. Shaky told me the threeway story. How cool is that. Hopefully he’ll report it soon. – Carol P.

  3. Esther L Says:

    Was watching web cam about 8pm saw one of the young one’s in the playpen and I thought maybe M. in nest box trying to cox the one to come out had to leave for a while . came back M. gone and young one on light in corner . June 26

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