rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Our Eyas Has a Name! Welcome Orion! – 7/14/12

The final results of the voting are in!

The top female names are Faith and Nyla, each with 19 votes.
Unfortunately, neither will be used for our male eyas.

The top male name is Orion with 36 votes.

The top gender-neutral name is Solstice with 30 votes.

Since the male name, Orion, received the most votes, it will be the name
given to the eyas.

Orion is the constellation of “The Hunter” who watches over Rochester’s
winter skies and is one of the most recognizable constellations.

The name was submitted by Kristen Weick.

Congratulations Kristen! Orion is a wonderful name for our eyas!

3 Responses to “Our Eyas Has a Name! Welcome Orion! – 7/14/12”

  1. Alison Says:

    It is indeed.
    I missed a notice about voting. When and where was that?

  2. Carol P. Says:

    Alison – There was a poll opened on the forum to choose a name.

  3. Kathy Says:

    Orion is my favorite constellation. LOVE THE NAME and was very happy to see the good bill of health in the banding report.

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