Very early this morning, when most of us were sleeping, Nova laid her and Neander’s 3rd egg at 4:32 am.
3rd egg arrived at 4:32 am.
It wasn’t too long before Neander came in for his first look.
Neander Checks Out His New Egg!Neander and Nova and Their Three Eggs!
At 6:46 am, Neander brought in breakfast for Nova. She accepted his food offering and left with it while he entered the nest box to guard his eggs.
Neander Brings Breakfast for Nova!
So, will Nova lay a 4th egg?
Nova has been averaging approximately 63 hrs between eggs. If she lays a 4th egg, it should arrive Thursday evening around 7:32 pm, give or take.
Many thanks to Rochester Falcon Team member Dana for making a YouTube video from our streaming video of the arrival of the 3rd egg and early morning activities!
At 1:49 pm, Nova laid her (& Neander’s) 2nd egg! It was approximately 63 hrs since she laid her first egg.
This 2nd egg was very pale in color compared to the very dark red egg already in the nest box. Peregrine Falcon eggs can vary greatly in color from pale creamy to a deeper reddish-brown. They often have darker markings, including blotches or spots of brown, red or purple. We’ve had very light colored eggs before and they’ve successfully hatched.
Nova settled on the eggs and didn’t give us a good look at them until Neander entered the nest box to check on Nova and the new arrival.
If Nova lays a 3rd egg, it should be sometime early Tuesday morning. EGGWATCH #3 starts now! Keep watching!
Rochester Falcons Team member Dana made these two videos from our streaming video. Thanks so much Dana!
This first YouTube link is for the arrival of Egg #2.
This second YouTube link is for Neander’s First Visit.
We are very happy to announce the arrival of our first egg of 2025! At approximately 10:43 pm last night (3/19), Nova laid an egg in the Times Square Bldg nest box! Let the 2025 Rochester Falcon season begin!
Nova Lays First Egg of 2025
Both Nova and Neander are staying close to the nest box guarding their precious egg!
Neander, Nova and Their EggNovaNeander Their Egg!
Rochester Falcon team member made this YouTube video of Nova, Neander and the arrival of the first egg. Thanks Dana!
Dana’s Video of the First Egg!
If all goes well, their 2nd egg should arrive sometime Saturday morning, or later or…. well hopefully sometime Saturday! 🙂
As you know, we have two nest boxes set up in Downtown Rochester. Both were originally installed to give the Rochester Falcons a choice after the Kodak nest box was taken down. The nest box at the Times Square Bldg was their choice!
This summer, the Powers Bldg will be doing work on their building. Due to this, netting was placed over the front of the nest box located there. This was done to make sure the falcons would not go there.
Nova and Neander haven’t shown any interest in this nest box, but as our viewers know, we’ve had a pair of pigeons that have used it by laying eggs there. One year, a couple of their eggs actually hatched. It did not end well for their young.
The DEC has been notified.
So, let’s watch the cameras at the Times Square Nest Box as EGGWATCH continues. We believe that Nova is very close to laying her and Neander’s first egg of 2025!
A new blog has been set up which will contain our Rochester Falcons History, Stories, Mysteries and all kinds of interesting stuff.
From 1998 to 2024, from Mariah to Beauty to Nova. 86 young Peregrine Falcons have fledged successfully from nest boxes located in Downtown Rochester.
Over time, we will share stories and information about our falcons.
So far, there are three posts. Did you ever wonder what names were given to our 86 fledglings? How did it all begin? A Rochester Falcon History – Mystery; who wrote Rhea Mae’s Rime?
Under Blogs, there is now a 3rd link that will bring you to our new Rochester Falcon Blog. Please check it out and let us know what you think. cp
It’s a New Year for the Rochester Falcons. Watchers continue to see both Nova and Neander keeping watch over their territory this Winter.
It’s way overdue for us to thank our current, hard working Rochester Falcon Watchers. Many have been watchers for 20+ years! From 1998-2024, Watchers have watched over 86 successful fledglings! Amazing!
On January 1, 2025, many of the Watchers gathered for the Annual Toast to the Rochester Falcons. It was cold and rainy, but 14 hardy souls (plus Callie, Joyce’s new puppy) gathered under the awning of the Blue Cross Arena.
2025 Rochester Falcons Toast (Pic by Tim)
We toasted all our Rochester Falcons from over the years, including reading the names of our 86 fledglings.
We have 20 current Rochester Falcon Watchers. Over the 26 year history of the Rochester Falcons, there have been many Watchers, too many to remember them all. We have sadly lost many over the years too. Here are our current Rochester Falcon Watchers! Thanks Lou for taking these pictures.
Current Rochester Falcon Watchers Pics by Lou
From left to right. Including the year they began watching.
Dan (1999), June (2000), Carla (2008), Ei (2003)
Brian H (2002), Lou (2003), Dana (2003), Shaky (2002)
Jeanne (2005), Carrie (2005), Linda (2010), Joyce (2005)
Kathy O (2003), Larry O (2001), Pat (2012), Lisa (2001)
Carol P (2003), Tim (2003), Lynda (2003), Lukka (2012)
As you can see, we have many long time Watchers and we’re always looking for more! Please consider joining us in 2025 to watch the first flights of Nova and Neander’s young. It can be quite exciting! cp
Today was banding day for our Rochester Falcons. The weather was perfect for the occasion. The sun was shining and the temps were in the 70F’s.
Banding day is always a special day for all of us here at Rfalconcam, the Rochester Watchers and fans. By receiving their bands, there is always a chance we may see them again in the future, raising families of their own.
Introducing our 2024 Rochester Falcons Eyases
Justice (Male)
Band 98 Black over W Green; No Colored Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Rochester Falcon Watcher Pat Carey. Pat chose the name Justice.
“Justice, for justice itself and for all the people who work to get it in the buildings surrounding the nest box, particularly the Telesca Center for Justice and the Civic Center Plaza.”
Meng (Female)
Band 88 Black over Z Green; Blue Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Rfalconcam Team Member Eileen Karle. Eileen chose the name Meng.
“Heinz Meng was a world-renowned falconer and ornithologist. After DDT decimated the population of peregrine falcons, he was instrumental in their recovery. He was the first to successfully breed peregrine falcons in captivity in New Paltz, NY. Once DDT was banned and it was safe to attempt to return peregrines to the wild, he shared his breeding stock to help form the foundation of the new population of peregrines we watch over today.”
Walker (Male)
Band 26 Black over R Green; Yellow Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Richard Calabrese Jr, Partner and Manager at the Times Square Bldg in Rochester, NY. Home of the Rochester Falcons! Rich chose the name Walker.
“Walker – After the architect Ralph Walker for his design of the Times Square Bldg where the box is now located, beneath the four glorious wings that adorn the Rochester skyline.”
Rich CalabreseWalkerWalker
Mighty (Female)
Band 89 Black over Z Green; Red Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Sue Morse’s students at Midlakes Education Center in Clifton Springs, NY. They chose the name Mighty.
“Mighty means impressive power and strength. Peregrine Falcons possess impressive power and strength to survive as a former endanged species.”
Peregrine Falcons remain on the endangered species list in New York State. Federally they were delisted.
We here at Rfalconcam want to thank our friends at the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for making banding day possible!
Great news, everyone! The eyases will receive their bands and names this morning!
Our friends from the DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) will be coming to Rochester this morning to band Nova and Neander’s four eyases. Banding should happen at approximately 9:00 am. When they are banded, each will be given a name with one of them receiving the winning entry in our Internet naming poll! The winner won’t be announced until then so be sure to tune in.
Finally! This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to name an eyas!
The poll is open! From the many excellent suggestions that were received, Rfalconcam’s Naming Committee selected 17 names from over 100 submissions. Thank you to everyone who submitted a name!
Voting is easy. Just click/tap on the link below. It will open the ballot form where you’ll start by filling in your name and email address. Then select your favorite name and click/tap the Submit button. Be sure to read the brief description we’ve included with each name. It might help you make your decision. We’ll announce the winning name when the eyases are banded.
Here’s your chance to name one of this year’s Eyases!
We are very happy to announce that once again falcon fans will have an opportunity to choose a name for an eyas in the nest box atop the Times Square Building, and it will be in the form of a naming contest open to all viewers.
Much care and thought has been used to name past eyases. We’ve included the criteria for choosing a name. Please read the rules very carefully and use the link below to submit one (1) gender neutral name.
Please, only one submission per person!
The deadline for name submissions is 11:59 pm (EDT) on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
Suggested Rfalconcam Naming Criteria Acceptable Categories for Names:
Explorers, Astronomers, Conservationists, especially those with International appeal (e.g., Galileo, [Amelia] Earhart, Magellan), or those who have played a significant role in Peregrine re-population efforts. Names inspired by Nature–topographic, meteorological, geographic, etc. (e.g. Kaver, Isaura, Fulmine, Alkyonis, Skye, Aconcagua) Inspirational Names (e.g. Freedom, Hope, Destiny) Words that refer to falcons in languages other than Modern English (e.g. Thlotli, Hafoc)
Categories that do not fit the criteria:
Names derived from religious, political, or popular culture icons. Names directly related to a human person either living or dead, except as noted in the acceptable criteria above. Names related to a commercial product, or a copyrighted or trademarked name owned by any corporation, individual or organization. Names that reflect negatively on any group, organization, individual or entity. Names should be well researched whenever possible. Supporting rationale for the name is required, so give us a few sentences that explain the name and the reason you chose it.
Submitting a Name:
That’s easy! Just click on this link to open the submission form. Only one submission per person please! If multiple submissions are sent in, only the first one that meets the criteria will be accepted.
Judging the Name Submissions:
The Rfalconcam Naming Committee will evaluate all name submissions for appropriateness, including (but not limited to) adherence to the naming criteria, well researched name, uniqueness of the name and how well it follows the “spirit” of past falcon names.
The committee will select the top 10 names from those submitted and create a poll for our viewers to vote for their favorite.
Past Falcon Names that Meet the Criteria Above:
2002 Freedom
2003 Isaura – A wind that blows off the Greek Isles Chayton – A Native American word for Falcon Destiny Thlotli – An Aztec name for Falcon Edge – Named for Rosalie Edge
2004 Alkyonis – Named in honor of the 2004 Olympic games in Greece Pride Gahastey – Native American word for a type of wind Grissom – Named in memory of Virgil “Gus” Grissom Hafoc – Old English word for Falcon
2005 Esperanza – Spanish word for Hope Ihteram – Arabic word for Respect Fulmine – Italian word for Lightning Aconcagua – A mountain in Argentina Skye – An island in Scotland where falconry is practiced
2006 Aura – Latin word for breeze
2007 Ananta – A Sanskrit word meaning “infinite” and “endless.”
2008 Diamante – Spanish for “diamond” Quest – A search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something Seneca – Named after the largest tribe of the Iroquois confederacy Zephyr – The name given to the West Wind in Greek mythology
2010 Callidora – Gift of Beauty Jemison – In honor of Mary Jemison, an American frontierswoman
2012 Orion – The constellation of “The Hunter”
2013 Baron, Rosetta, Voyager
2014 Tesh, Nettie, Nor’easter, Mercury
2015 Cadence, Genesee, Bronx
2016 Matilda, Aria, Lilac, Leo
2017 Seabreeze, Ontario, Charlotte, Rachel
2018 Mike, Letchworth, Sundara
2019 Lakota, Phoenix, Jupiter, Donna
2020 Roc, Hope, γεράκι
2021 Freyja, Golden
2022 Blaze, Zara, Kanfai Malachim
2023 Sterling, Artemis, Jubilee
The deadline for name submissions is 11:59 pm (EDT) on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.