Jupiter’s time in rehab has ended successfully! He was released about 15 miles west of Rochester yesterday afternoon. His release was witnessed by a few of the Rochester Falcon Watchers. It was a cold day, but the sun was shining and the sky was a bright blue. A perfect day!
The door to the carrier was opened, and it took about 2 minutes for Jupiter to realize he was free. He launched himself from the carrier, heading towards the tree line. Strong, steady wing beats took him higher and higher. When he reached the trees, we thought he might land on one of them, but not our Jupiter. He did a U-turn and headed back towards us. Jupiter flew directly overhead, giving us a good look at how well he was flying. At one point, he lowered both his talons, before tucking them in and continuing on.
He was heading northwest when we lost sight of him. So in the general direction of Rochester/Braddock Bay. But of course there is no way to know for sure where he ended up.
We all wished him safe travels as he begins the next step of his life!
We are very thankful to the rehabber and vets that took such good care of him. For now, we won’t say who, until we receive permission to do so.
Here are some pictures taken by some of the watchers that were there to witness Jupiter’s freedom flight.

Photo credits to: Pat Carey, Joyce Miller, Dana Mulhern, Kathy Olney and Carol Phillips