It seems like banding day comes so quickly every year. Wasn’t it just yesterday that we banded the class of 2018, Sundara, Letchworth and Mike!
Our friends from the DEC (Department of Environmental Conservation) came again this year to band Beauty and Dot.ca’s four eyases. The eyases were safely and quickly extracted from the nest box, while Beauty and Dot.ca flew overhead. A sign was left inside the empty nest box letting everyone know they would be back soon.
*To see full version, please click on the picture!*

Rich Calabrese, the owner of the Times Square Bldg, which is the home of the Rochester Falcons, provided a room where the eyases were banded.
Four buckets were lined up, each containing a young falcon.

The table was set up with all the tools that would be used during the banding process.

It was time to check them out and band them. The diameter of their leg would determine if they were male or female.
1) Lakota (male). Named by long time Rochester Falcon Watcher Carla Provenzano from Rochester, NY. Banded 29 Black/BA Green.
Lakota, after the Lakota Sioux. The Great Sioux Nation is made up of 30 separate tribes (or bands) in the USA and Canada. These tribes are divided into three divisions: The Lakota Sioux, Dakota Sioux, and Nakota Sioux, the Lakota being the largest of the three.
Their names are derived from the dialects of the Sioux language they speak, and therefore their division name and language are one and the same. In all three divisions and dialects, the meaning of the name is “ALLY”, commonly translated as “FRIEND”.
The Lakota were fierce warriors and hunters of the Great Plains, yet most important to their culture was family, especially their offspring (Wakanyeja/Sacred Gift). They are a gift from the creator who hold in their hands the future of the Lakota. How like our Peregrines.
The first eyas banded was a male. Lakota was very quiet and observant of his surroundings. Not one kak from Lakota!

2) Phoenix (male). Name selected by our faithful watchers on the Internet! Submitted by Michael Ortiz of Rochester, NY; Jackie Poplawski of Webster, NY; and Mayra Sanchez of Rochester, NY . Banded 30 Black/BA Green.
Phoenix, according to Greek mythology a phoenix is a bird that regenerates rising from the ashes to be born again. This symbolizes the amazing recovery of the Peregrine Falcon population and the recent revitalization of Downtown Rochester, which is now becoming an amazing place to even just spend time.
Phoenix was the youngest eyas and he was VERY vocal! He was watching everyone and everything around him!

3) Jupiter (male). Named by Lynda and Tim Gersey of Romulus, NY, who are also long time watchers. Tim also built and installed the ramp that goes down into the well from the nest box. Many of our eyases have used it over the years. Banded 31 Black/BA Green.
Named for the god of sky and thunder. Jupiter is known as the king of gods in Roman mythology.
Jupiter was very alert and bright eyed. He was vocal, but not as loud as Phoenix.

June Summers, President of the Genesee Valley Audubon, was able to help out with banding Jupiter!

4) Donna (female). Named by the Rfalconcam Executive Committee. In memory of our good friend Donna Cook, who was a valued member of our Rfalconcam community and had followed the Rochester Falcons for many years.
We were so happy when it was determined that our fourth eyas was a female! She was very feisty. Our friend Donna will be watching over her.

All four eyases were healthy and all had full crops. Beauty and Dot.ca are very good parents!
As soon as they were all banded, they were quickly returned to the nest box. They settled down under the watchful eye of both their parents.

We want to thank all of those that made this a successful 2019 Banding Day, including Jenny Landry and all the folks from the DEC, Rich Calabrese, The Rfalconcam Executive Committee (June Summers, Shaky and Carol Phillips), Eileen Karle (who is our on-line person during banding. She and Donna used to tag team.) the namers of this year’s eyases, and all the falcon fans who watch on-line.
Plus a very special thanks to our Rochester Falcon Watchers! Soon we’ll be gathered again to watch over the young fledglings as they take their first flights. If you’re able to help out with the fledge watch, please let us know. We could sure use your help!