Archive for May, 2021
Eyas (Baby Falcon) Photo Album – Week 1 (5/10-5/16/21)
Tuesday, May 11th, 2021We’ll be posting pics of the Rochester Falcons and their eyases here in a weekly photo album. This will be a great way to see their progress and how quickly they grow! Enjoy!!!

The infertile egg may have been caused by the stress when an intruder attempted to take over Beauty and’s territory. brought in a small 1st meal for the eyas at 3:30 am. Beauty fed the eyas and will control most of the feedings until the eyases are a little larger.

That little bit of of red in the scrape is leftovers from the first breakfast.

The unfertilized egg is still in the nest box. You can see the crack at the top of the egg. Eventually, they will dispose of it.

Beauty will mostly hunt pigeons,, being smaller, will bring in starlings and other smaller prey. This is possibly a shore bird from the river, or maybe one migrating through the area.

The eyases are getting bigger and stronger. It’s not looking good for the remaining egg.
First Hatch for Rochester Falcons Beauty &!
Monday, May 10th, 2021Our first eyas arrived at approximately 9:19 pm this evening (5/10/21). Beauty has been very protective of her new arrival and has yet to allow our cameras to catch a picture of the little one. We’ll share pictures when they are available.

Here’s a picture from earlier showing a pip (small hole) in the egg. You can see the eyases beak!