If you missed our recent Fledge Watcher Orientation meeting, don’t despair! You can still participate.
First, download and print a copy of our 2008 Fledge Watch Brochure. The brochure provides an overview of information that you need to be a successful fledge watcher. It includes a list of contact numbers, recommended fledge watching gear and instructions for how to rescue a downed fledgling.
Next, check out the Fledge Watch Calendar. Fledge watch shifts are available from 7AM to 9PM every day from now through mid-July. You can sign up for as many or as few shifts as you want. We request that shifts be two hours in duration or more, but whatever amount of time you can volunteer will be greatly appreciated! And don’t worry if you see that someone else has signed on to the same time you’d like to watch. The more watchers we have out at one time, the better we can cover all the ground once the fledglings start really flying.
When you decide on which shift(s) you’d like to take, send an email to Lisa McKeown, our Fledge Watch Coordinator. You can reach her at either of the following addresses:
gladyshall@gmail.com or
Be sure to include your name and the dates & times for the shift or shifts you’re interested in filling. And to make it easy for Lisa to pick out your email from all the rest, be sure to include the words “Fledge Watch” in the subject line.
While you’re looking at the calendar, take a moment to browse the other pages at the Rochester Falconcam’s FalconWatch Blog. We’ve included helpful guidelines for posting your fledge watch reports and using the FledgeWatch blog. You won’t be able to post your report on the FalconWatch blog until you’ve been accepted as an author at the blog. We’ll send you a username and password that will allow you to post your fledge watch reports.
Finally, have fun! Fledge Watching provides a rare opportunity to see one of nature’s true marvels up close, and to help ensure the safety of the fledglings. You’ll most likely find a group of “regulars” nearby who’ll be happy to walk you through the basics, so come one come all, and join the 2008 Fledge Watch!