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Archive for March, 2025

Early Morning Arrival of Egg #3! 3/25/25

Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
Three Shades of Peregrine Falcon Egg Colors!

Then there were three!

Very early this morning, when most of us were sleeping, Nova laid her and Neander’s 3rd egg at 4:32 am.

3rd egg arrived at 4:32 am.

It wasn’t too long before Neander came in for his first look.

Neander Checks Out His New Egg!
Neander and Nova and Their Three Eggs!

At 6:46 am, Neander brought in breakfast for Nova. She accepted his food offering and left with it while he entered the nest box to guard his eggs.

Neander Brings Breakfast for Nova!

So, will Nova lay a 4th egg?

Nova has been averaging approximately 63 hrs between eggs. If she lays a 4th egg, it should arrive Thursday evening around 7:32 pm, give or take.

Many thanks to Rochester Falcon Team member for making a YouTube video from our streaming video of the arrival of the 3rd egg and early morning activities!

EGGWATCH #4 begins! Keep watching!


Egg #2 Arrived on a Cold, Snowy Afternoon! 3/22/25

Saturday, March 22nd, 2025

At 1:49 pm, Nova laid her (& Neander’s) 2nd egg! It was approximately 63 hrs since she laid her first egg.

This 2nd egg was very pale in color compared to the very dark red egg already in the nest box. Peregrine Falcon eggs can vary greatly in color from pale creamy to a deeper reddish-brown. They often have darker markings, including blotches or spots of brown, red or purple. We’ve had very light colored eggs before and they’ve successfully hatched.

Nova settled on the eggs and didn’t give us a good look at them until Neander entered the nest box to check on Nova and the new arrival.

If Nova lays a 3rd egg, it should be sometime early Tuesday morning. EGGWATCH #3 starts now! Keep watching!

Rochester Falcons Team member Dana made these two videos from our streaming video. Thanks so much Dana!

This first YouTube link is for the arrival of Egg #2.

This second YouTube link is for Neander’s First Visit.


Earth Hour

Friday, March 21st, 2025

Once again, Earth Hour is nearly upon us. Assuming Nova isn’t in the process of laying another egg, we’ll be following our tradition of shutting off the cameras for one hour on Saturday, March 22nd at 8:30 PM EDT.


Nova Laid Her & Neander’s First Egg of 2025 Late Last Night! 3/19/25

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

We are very happy to announce the arrival of our first egg of 2025! At approximately 10:43 pm last night (3/19), Nova laid an egg in the Times Square Bldg nest box! Let the 2025 Rochester Falcon season begin!

Nova Lays First Egg of 2025

Both Nova and Neander are staying close to the nest box guarding their precious egg!

Neander, Nova and Their Egg
Their Egg!

Rochester Falcon team member made this YouTube video of Nova, Neander and the arrival of the first egg. Thanks Dana!

Dana’s Video of the First Egg!

If all goes well, their 2nd egg should arrive sometime Saturday morning, or later or…. well hopefully sometime Saturday! 🙂


Powers Bldg Nest Box News! 3/19/25

Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
Powers Bldg Nest Box

As you know, we have two nest boxes set up in Downtown Rochester. Both were originally installed to give the Rochester Falcons a choice after the Kodak nest box was taken down. The nest box at the Times Square Bldg was their choice!

This summer, the Powers Bldg will be doing work on their building. Due to this, netting was placed over the front of the nest box located there. This was done to make sure the falcons would not go there.

Nova and Neander haven’t shown any interest in this nest box, but as our viewers know, we’ve had a pair of pigeons that have used it by laying eggs there. One year, a couple of their eggs actually hatched. It did not end well for their young.

The DEC has been notified.

So, let’s watch the cameras at the Times Square Nest Box as EGGWATCH continues. We believe that Nova is very close to laying her and Neander’s first egg of 2025!

Upcoming Website Downtime

Tuesday, March 11th, 2025

Our web hosting provider will be moving the server that runs our website to a new location Wednesday morning. Rfalconcam.com will be unavailable during the move. The interruption in service will start at approximately 2 AM EDT and last for 5 hours. Please note that streaming video channels will still be viewable on YouTube by entering “Rfalconcam Live” in the search box on the YouTube.com home page.

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