Powers Bldg Nest Box News! 3/19/25

As you know, we have two nest boxes set up in Downtown Rochester. Both were originally installed to give the Rochester Falcons a choice after the Kodak nest box was taken down. The nest box at the Times Square Bldg was their choice!
This summer, the Powers Bldg will be doing work on their building. Due to this, netting was placed over the front of the nest box located there. This was done to make sure the falcons would not go there.
Nova and Neander haven’t shown any interest in this nest box, but as our viewers know, we’ve had a pair of pigeons that have used it by laying eggs there. One year, a couple of their eggs actually hatched. It did not end well for their young.
The DEC has been notified.
So, let’s watch the cameras at the Times Square Nest Box as EGGWATCH continues. We believe that Nova is very close to laying her and Neander’s first egg of 2025!
March 19th, 2025 at 9:17 PM
Will the nest box also undergo a few renovations? The front corner to the west looks pretty repairworthy. Or is the thinking that, since falcons do not use it, it can simply stay as it is, a souvenir of times gone by with Mariah?
March 20th, 2025 at 10:12 AM
I’m not sure what is going to happen to this nest box Alison. It is in really bad shape. Sadly. 😕
March 24th, 2025 at 3:04 PM
If you were a bird, would you choose the box that faces into the wind or the one that faces away from the bad weather?