Banding Day for the Rochester Falcons – 5/23/24
Thursday, May 23rd, 2024
Today was banding day for our Rochester Falcons. The weather was perfect for the occasion. The sun was shining and the temps were in the 70F’s.
Banding day is always a special day for all of us here at Rfalconcam, the Rochester Watchers and fans. By receiving their bands, there is always a chance we may see them again in the future, raising families of their own.
Introducing our 2024 Rochester Falcons Eyases
Justice (Male)

Band 98 Black over W Green; No Colored Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Rochester Falcon Watcher Pat Carey. Pat chose the name Justice.
“Justice, for justice itself and for all the people who work to get it in the buildings surrounding the nest box, particularly the Telesca Center for Justice and the Civic Center Plaza.”

Meng (Female)

Band 88 Black over Z Green; Blue Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Rfalconcam Team Member Eileen Karle. Eileen chose the name Meng.
“Heinz Meng was a world-renowned falconer and ornithologist. After DDT decimated the population of peregrine falcons, he was instrumental in their recovery. He was the first to successfully breed peregrine falcons in captivity in New Paltz, NY. Once DDT was banned and it was safe to attempt to return peregrines to the wild, he shared his breeding stock to help form the foundation of the new population of peregrines we watch over today.”

Walker (Male)

Band 26 Black over R Green; Yellow Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Richard Calabrese Jr, Partner and Manager at the Times Square Bldg in Rochester, NY. Home of the Rochester Falcons! Rich chose the name Walker.
“Walker – After the architect Ralph Walker for his design of the Times Square Bldg where the box is now located, beneath the four glorious wings that adorn the Rochester skyline.”

Mighty (Female)

Band 89 Black over Z Green; Red Tape over the USFW band.
Named by Sue Morse’s students at Midlakes Education Center in Clifton Springs, NY. They chose the name Mighty.
“Mighty means impressive power and strength. Peregrine Falcons possess impressive power and strength to survive as a former endanged species.”
Peregrine Falcons remain on the endangered species list in New York State. Federally they were delisted.

We here at Rfalconcam want to thank our friends at the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for making banding day possible!