Getting Ready for the ‘08 Season
Tuesday, January 29th, 2008
February is nearly here, which means the 2008 Rochester Falconcam season is only a few weeks away! Last Friday, team members “Fal-Kenn” Martinez and Jim Pisello braved bitter cold, whipping winds, and the wrath of Mariah– as seen in the dramatic photo above– to check out the cameras and get them ready for their appointed task of bringing the Rochester Falconcam to fans the world over.
The work was far from straightforward. The team had to fight the weather while diagnosing a nagging problem that kept Camera 1 from getting power. Not only that, during their survey Kenn and Jim discovered that last year’s eyases had nibbled at one of the network cables which needed to have its insulation replaced. Another challenge was that over the months since last summer the wind had actually twisted Camera 1 around it’s mounting arm. It took some delicate tapping with a long piece of wood to get it back into place.
And then there was Mariah. She took turns circling and diving, and both Kenn and Jim had to keep ducking every time she passed by. Luckily she took a couple of breaks, which gave the two men some time to work without having to worry about getting bonked on the head! They both brought their cameras and they took a few moments to grab some pictures of Mariah as she flew close by.
It took some doing, but with a little ingenuity, a lot of duct tape, and a couple hours’ work, the cameras sprang to life! Kenn and Jim gathered their tools and retreated to the warmth of the Kodak Tower after a job well done.
The cameras will need a final cleaning before the season begins around the middle of March, but that will have to wait for better weather. In the meantime the Rochester Falconcam team will be hard at work to make sure that 2008 will be a season to remember!