As many of you already know, Seabreeze accidentally fledged early Wednesday morning. He was found on the sidewalk on the south side of the Times Square Bldg by Watcher Carol Phillips, with the help of Debbie, who works in the Times Square Bldg.

Seabreeze was checked out by a local vet, where they determined that he lost five of his tail feathers, and broke some blood feathers. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) was contacted.
We just received this update from June Summers, President, Genesee Valley Audubon Society.
“Due to the loss of 5 out of 12 tail feather, Seabreeze will be going to a rehabilitator to regrow his feathers, learn to fly and catch prey. Unfortunately, we will not be able to return him to his family. His feathers will take longer than three weeks to grow back and his family wouldn’t recognize him.” – June
We are very sad that Seabreeze will not be returned to his family, but happy that he was not too badly injured from his fall.
The remaining three eyases, Ontario, Charlotte and Rachel, are getting ready to fledge. Ontario made it to the well wall and is running back and forth, exercising his wings. The Fledge Watchers will be out starting this weekend, keeping an eye on our young falcons. If you are able to spare some time to help out, please come downtown to join the watch. We could sure use your help!