Rochester Falcons History Blog! NEW
Saturday, January 11th, 2025
A new blog has been set up which will contain our Rochester Falcons History, Stories, Mysteries and all kinds of interesting stuff.
From 1998 to 2024, from Mariah to Beauty to Nova. 86 young Peregrine Falcons have fledged successfully from nest boxes located in Downtown Rochester.
Over time, we will share stories and information about our falcons.
So far, there are three posts. Did you ever wonder what names were given to our 86 fledglings? How did it all begin? A Rochester Falcon History – Mystery; who wrote Rhea Mae’s Rime?
Under Blogs, there is now a 3rd link that will bring you to our new Rochester Falcon Blog. Please check it out and let us know what you think. cp
Or click on the following link.
Please consider subscribing so you get notified when there is a new post. Hope you enjoy! Thank you!