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The Journal of Rfalconcam

Archive for January, 2025

Rochester Falcons History Blog! NEW

Saturday, January 11th, 2025

A new blog has been set up which will contain our Rochester Falcons History, Stories, Mysteries and all kinds of interesting stuff.

From 1998 to 2024, from Mariah to Beauty to Nova. 86 young Peregrine Falcons have fledged successfully from nest boxes located in Downtown Rochester.

Over time, we will share stories and information about our falcons.

So far, there are three posts. Did you ever wonder what names were given to our 86 fledglings? How did it all begin? A Rochester Falcon History – Mystery; who wrote Rhea Mae’s Rime?

Under Blogs, there is now a 3rd link that will bring you to our new Rochester Falcon Blog. Please check it out and let us know what you think. cp

Or click on the following link.


Please consider subscribing so you get notified when there is a new post. Hope you enjoy! Thank you!

Thank You Rochester Falcon Watchers!

Sunday, January 5th, 2025

Happy New Year! Happy 2025!

It’s a New Year for the Rochester Falcons. Watchers continue to see both Nova and Neander keeping watch over their territory this Winter.

It’s way overdue for us to thank our current, hard working Rochester Falcon Watchers. Many have been watchers for 20+ years! From 1998-2024, Watchers have watched over 86 successful fledglings! Amazing!

On January 1, 2025, many of the Watchers gathered for the Annual Toast to the Rochester Falcons. It was cold and rainy, but 14 hardy souls (plus Callie, Joyce’s new puppy) gathered under the awning of the Blue Cross Arena.

2025 Rochester Falcons Toast
(Pic by Tim)

We toasted all our Rochester Falcons from over the years, including reading the names of our 86 fledglings.

We have 20 current Rochester Falcon Watchers. Over the 26 year history of the Rochester Falcons, there have been many Watchers, too many to remember them all. We have sadly lost many over the years too. Here are our current Rochester Falcon Watchers! Thanks Lou for taking these pictures.

Current Rochester Falcon Watchers
Pics by Lou

From left to right. Including the year they began watching.

Dan (1999), June (2000), Carla (2008), Ei (2003)

Brian H (2002), Lou (2003), Dana (2003), Shaky (2002)

Jeanne (2005), Carrie (2005), Linda (2010), Joyce (2005)

Kathy O (2003), Larry O (2001), Pat (2012), Lisa (2001)

Carol P (2003), Tim (2003), Lynda (2003), Lukka (2012)

As you can see, we have many long time Watchers and we’re always looking for more! Please consider joining us in 2025 to watch the first flights of Nova and Neander’s young. It can be quite exciting! cp

Thanks Watchers and Happy New Year!

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