Good News! Ihteram, daughter of Mariah and Kaver from 2005, has been found again after an absence of five years.
Here is a link to the April 14, 2008 Imprints posted when Ihteram was found nesting at historic St. Joseph Catholic Church in Detroit, Michigan with her mate, an unbanded tiercel (male).
There was very little news posted about Ihteram and her mate, so we lost track of them.
Now, we are very happy to report that five years later, Ihteram has again been positively identified.
Rochester Falcon Watcher Joyce Miller had been corresponding with Barb Baldinger of the Macomb Audubon in Michigan. She is a volunteer who helps monitor the Peregrine Falcon nest sites in Michigan. Barb told Joyce that there was a new nest site in Detroit and the female was banded, *2/R (black/red). Joyce immediately recognized the band numbers as one of our own, Ihteram. She notified Barb with the good news.
Ihteram and her mate have established a new nest site in downtown Detroit (MI) on the roof of a skyscraper. The nest has 4 eggs in a partially protected corner. If all goes well, there will be some new additions to the Rochester falcon family.
Many thanks to Joyce and Barb for sharing this wonderful news! Stay tuned. Hopefully there will be more news to share soon.
Here is a picture of Ihteram that Barb took yesterday (May 20, 2013). She attempted to get a picture of the tiercel, but he took off before she could take it.

Photo courtesy of Barb Baldinger, Macomb Audubon
Also, a couple pictures taken, one by Marcia Lyman and one by Louis Capuano of Ihteram after she fledged.