rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

Beauty & Dot.ca’s First Eyas Arrived at 7:55 pm Today – 5/24/13

The two resident Rochester Falcons, Beauty and Dot.ca, have a new addition to their nest box on top of the Times Square Bldg in Downtown Rochester, NY.

At approximately 7:55 pm, an eyas (a young Peregrine Falcon) hatched, to the delight of the many viewers from around the world watching the RFalconcam live streaming video. Just click on the following link to watch.


Beauty has kept her eyas tucked under her to keep it warm, so we have not had a good look yet.

Here are some pictures from just after the eyas hatched.

1st Eyas 5-24-13 - Hatched 755 pm

1st Eyas 5-24-13 - Hatched 755 pm

1st Eyas 5-24-13 - Hatched 755 pm

1st Eyas 5-24-13 - Hatched 755 pm

1st Eyas 5-24-13 - DC Brings Food

1st Eyas 5-24-13 - DC Brings Food

One Response to “Beauty & Dot.ca’s First Eyas Arrived at 7:55 pm Today – 5/24/13”

  1. Alison in Indiana Says:


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