rfalconcam - Imprints


The Journal of Rfalconcam

1-2-3-4! The 4th Eyas hatched late last night!

Shortly before 10:16 pm, Beauty revealed both halves of the eggshell from her newly hatched eyas. We had to wait until this morning to get a look at all four eyases.

During this early morning feeding, you can clearly see four beaks.

2019 4th Eyas MainCamera_20190511-070700

Now our downtown Rochester falcon family is complete. Be sure to watch our live streaming video to watch this little family grow and I do mean grow! You will be amazed!


There is a chat section on our live stream. Please ask any questions you might have about our Rochester Peregrine Falcon family. Also, if you can, please subscribe to our YouTube channels, so we can reach the 1,000 subscriber mark. When we do, we will be able to display all four channels on our live stream page. Thanks!

2 Responses to “1-2-3-4! The 4th Eyas hatched late last night!”

  1. Christi Says:

    This is awesome! Way better than a live fee of a giraffe. 🙂

  2. Lori Frederick Says:

    This is wonderful news. 4 fuzzy babies!!

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