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Who Is The New Tiercel?

Photo Courtesy of Joyce Miller

UPDATED! Read below
Well, we don’t know if he has a name, but thanks to watcher Joyce Miller we’ve got a positive read on his ID band. Joyce took this picture (click the image above to view the full version) on the 12th of April when the tiercel perched on the fire escape of a nearby building.

Yesterday, Jim Pisello shot this image of the tiercel taking off from the Midtown Plaza Tower:

The band isn’t quite as clear, but it’s still a good look.

Black bands are often used in Canada (though they are also used in the US on occasion), so we’ve sent a request our Canadian contacts to see if we can learn his Identity.

Sharp-eyed viewers will note that this tiercel’s band ID, 25 over V, is close to the ID band worn by Tybropa-Cree, the tiercel who was in Rochester earlier this year and unfortunately was killed in an automobile collision. Tybropa-Cree was hatched in 2007 and fledged in Scarborough Ontario. Since 25/V comes after 15/V, it might be reasonable to assume that this tiercel was banded sometime after Tybropa-Cree. His adult plumage means that he’s at least 2 years old, so a hatching date of 2007 fits with our observations. In any event, it’s only a matter of time before we learn more about Rochester’s newest tiercel. As soon as we find out more we’ll let you know.

In a turn both strange and wonderful we’ve received more information about our new tiercel. It comes from Doug Garbutt, one of our friends in Port Colborne, who have been the caretakers of Freedom and his mate since 2005. Doug wrote to Rochester Falconcam member Carol P with this news:

Hi Carol

Looks like you have Freedom’s son “Archer” in Rochester. The MNR [Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources] banded solid black 25 over V June 10 2006 here in Port Colborne. Gotta run I’ll give more info soon as I can.


Welcome Archer!

Everyone here at the Rochester Falconcam is thrilled beyond words. Of course you’ll all remember that Freedom is Mariah and Kaver’s son from 2002, the first year that Mariah and Kaver were paired. Imagine, after all the turmoil we’ve had this year, that it is Mariah and Kaver’s own grandson who has taken residence! So even though Kaver is gone and Mariah’s return uncertain, we can take comfort in knowing that their successor carries on their legacy!

Next to having Mariah and Kaver back, It’s hard to imagine much better news than this. Many thanks to Doug, Joyce, Jim, Carol and all the other watchers who’ve been out trying to ID our Archer!

-Jess (who’s still doing a happy dance over the news)

43 Responses to “Who Is The New Tiercel?”

  1. Marcia Lyman Says:

    Good job, Joyce and Jim! One of the new birds won’t remain mysterious much longer. And really nice pics, too.

  2. Alison in Indiana Says:


  3. Jim in ATL Says:

    Jess, please clarify: “Archer” is the son of “Freedom”, from Mariah & Kaver’s first brood together in Rochester in 2002? So… the grandson returns to continue the legacy?

  4. Kathy Says:

    Wow…Freedom’s son, Mariah’s granson…the legacy of Mariah and Kaver really does continue then!

  5. carla Says:

    Great News.Thanks

  6. Sarah in Florida Says:

    What good news! Thank you all!

    In San Francisco, at the PG&E Tower, Lil has hatched the first of her four eggs… Mariah’s work goes on! One of the viewers out there captured the hatch on youtube…. see below!


  7. ei Says:

    Oh my! You know, I’ve tried to keep the tears inside for Kaver, Tybropa-Cree, Mariah (OK, a little leaking here & there) but this news just set them loose! WOW! What amazing news!

    OK, everyone, can we have a rousing chorus of The Circle of Life?


  8. chicki Says:

    It’s absolutely wonderful to have 3rd gen family taking up residence here!! Mother Nature works in amazing ways. But…if I could ask… is this the “nubo” that was involved in Mariah’s attack? Sorry if I sound a bit confused…so many falcons in town!

  9. ei Says:

    Yes, chicki, Nubo & Archer are one & the same. As has been posted before, they are just doing what peregrines do…

  10. Judy Says:

    Sarah in Florida – Is the Lil you are talking about in San Francisco the same Lil who was in Toronto in November?

  11. Jess Says:

    @Jim- Yes, Archer is Freedom’s son. Freedom is Mariah and Kaver’s son from their first brood together in 2002.

  12. Barbara in WA Says:

    This is very exciting – thank you to all who band the falcons making identification possible !!!

  13. VickyB Says:

    awesome news,, I have baby pics,, from 2002, of him and his sister,,

    vicky in ottawa

  14. Paul Says:

    What a moment!
    This is particular special for me, because Freedom and Isis were the first Peregrine Falcons I saw in person.


  15. Carol Furnée Says:

    No WONDER he looks so much like both Mariah and Kaver 🙂
    If they must be displaced, who better to do it than their own Grandson.

  16. chrissy Says:

    Freedom! . . http://tiny.cc/ZImkP

  17. Kathy V Says:

    Oh yes, thank you ALL, very much for that bit of info. M&K’s grandson, how wonderful. It is still sad (to me), that M&K are not a item anymore. It will take a while to get use to other falcons taking their place here, but I will be praying for M’s recovery and hearing something about K. Again thank you to all of you for all your hard work.

  18. Kathy V Says:

    that was positively super to see…thank you…Sara

  19. Kelley S Says:

    There’s proof positive of the benefits of banding. It seems to make everything that’s happened a little less heavy on the heart. Joining you in that happy dance, Jess!!!

    Kelley S. in Rochester

  20. Erin O Says:

    What unbelievable news! This really is mother nature at her finest. Yeah the legacy continues in Rochester.

    By the way has anyone seen Zephyr?

  21. Kathy at High Falls Says:

    I am speechless, a little teary-eyed and excited all at the same time. Of course Mariah and Kaver’s lineage should return to the Rochester skies to carry on the legacy. Archer. Welcome Home!

  22. ei Says:

    @Judy…I just saw your question copied over on the SF yahoo group…must have missed it earlier…sorry!

    I think you’re thinking of Linn (2007) who was seen in Toronto. Diamond Lil in San Fran isn’t banded so we don’t know where she’s from…she just got her name from the members of the group about a month ago.

  23. Sarah in Florida Says:

    Hi Judy,
    I didn’t know the answer about Lil, so I posted your q

  24. ei Says:

    @Erin-Zephyr hasn’t been seen lately, but with the way juvies move around and since it seems his playmate moved over to Midtown, he’s probably just somewhere that’s no one is looking.

  25. Sarah in Florida Says:

    Hi Judy,

    I didn’t know the answer about Lil, so I posted your question to them.
    Here is their answer:

    Re: Question about Lil from the Rochester/Mariah folks

    “No…it was Linn (2007) from Rochester seen in Toronto. Her sister Rhea Mae
    (2006)is nesting for the second year at the Sheraton in Toronto.

    And in today’s excellent serendipity news…the new tiercel in Rochester (still
    trying to read the new female’s bands) is Archer (2006) hatched in Port
    Colborne, Ont. to Purity & Freedom…Freedom is the son (2002) of Mariah &
    Kaver…so he’s replaced his grandfather (who did not return from migration) &
    had a brief fling with his grandmother before Mariah was injured. Mariah
    continues to recuperate at a raptor vet in Syracuse.”

    It seems that we are all keeping up with each other… what a wonderful network of Peregrine followers… and what wonderful creatures we are privileged to get to know!

  26. ei Says:

    @Sarah 🙂 see my reply to Judy 3 notes up after I saw your question on SF…yes, we are quite a network…and we are NOT addicted!

  27. Melissa in MA Says:

    WOW! What news! That is so interesting how
    he has returned after seven years!

  28. Nancy (nancyindg) Says:

    Melissa in MA: No, it isn’t Freedom who has returned after 7 years. Archer is his son, born in 2006 in Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada.

  29. Nancy Says:

    This is indeed such great news! It is so wonderful to know that there is the possibility of a grandson of “our” Mariah and Kaver making his home in Rochester for the forseeable future. Now to find out who his lady friend is. So is she the one that Zephyr was hanging out with?

    Although I can understand the point of view of those who would rather not see Mariah banded, it has been so sad to not have Kaver return this year, and I’ve thought if only he were banded perhaps we might have heard some news…but perhaps not knowing the manner in which he died is just as well. (Assuming he has died as opposed to being injured and in recovery…but then again that raises the point, if he were banded…I could go around and around with this argument.)

    Hopefully we will see more of Zephyr and will be able to find out more about Mariah and Kaver’s great-grand-eyases as well as some more of their grand-eyases this year, right near Rochester as well as in Port Colbourne, Toronto, and other locations. Any more word on the girl that was hanging out in the church bell tower?

    Nancy in Utah

  30. Tracey in WA Says:

    Wow!! Words can’t really express….. so wow!!

    One question: Since Mariah is now in captivity at least for the time being…. will she be banded?

    Thanks to all who have been watching the happenings and keeping us long-distance peeps informed.

  31. Maureen in MA Says:

    Great news to have identified Archer! Is the female’s identity still unknown?

  32. Judi Says:

    Maureen – the female has not been identified, but the watchers’ are on a quest to get photo proof of her bands…there is some speculation as to her identity, but no confirmation yet. Stay tuned!

  33. caye Says:

    Wish I could go on the way most of you have and I know I must but I still long for the good old days!!! Everything being all cozy between Kavor and Mariah…… Trying to move on…….

  34. chrissy Says:

    caye, A lot of us are still feeling Mariah and Kaver’s loss. even grief. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong to express those feelings! Perhaps, when the time comes, Jess will add a page to this site dedicated to Mariah and Kaver where everyone can share their favorite memory of them.

  35. Kathy Says:

    Caye, your feelings are understandable. I was prepared to be indifferent but now knowing who he is…well I can’t help but root for him however I’d still like to give his feathers a tweak for hurting Mariah. But they are birds of prey and he has no idea just who he was messing with so cant’ really fault him..he’s just doing what he needs to for survival. I think we know where he got his fierceness from 🙂

  36. Lisa in CA Says:

    I think it’s wonderful that Archer has a band of gray feathers across the bridge of his beak like his grandmother.

  37. Kathy G Says:

    I had to laugh at the tweak comment because that was just how I was feeling. Amazing how we humanize this experience. Considering everything I think we are pretty lucky. That we know so much about what is happening just unbelieveable. A little peak into the workings of Mother Nature.

  38. tom Says:

    The action never stops doesn’t it?

    Here is a photo of Freedom taken in Port Colbourne from a few years ago – Mariah’s son, and Archer’s Dad. He was the first falcon named after 9/11.


    I think a page for Mariah and Kaver memories is a great idea!

  39. JenP Says:

    My son and I were thrilled as well to notice the white above Archer’s beak just like his Grandma! We wait here in northern NY to hear of Mariah’s recovery. Change happens, whether good or bad, it still happens.

  40. Maureen in MA Says:

    That is an awesome picture of Freedom – Thanks, Tom!

  41. Kathy Says:

    The CPF has now updated the Port Colborne site and it seems indeed that Freedom was displaced in a possible territorial dispute. Millie still remains as the female at the site. Link attached for details.


  42. Tammy A Says:

    I think a page for Mariah and Kaver is an outstanding idea and I for one will order tons of Kodak pictures of my favorite falcons! I’ve watched them since they became an “item” and I miss Kaver dearly. I know we’re not supposed to become “attached” to the wild ones, but I can’t help but feel a deep sense of loss over whats happened to Mariah and Kaver. I will continue to watch the “new kids on the block”, but it just won’t be the same. Anyone know why the nest box isn’t being used? Will the cameras be moved to wherever the newbies make their new home?

  43. Alison in Indiana Says:

    The nest box is not being used because the falcons did not choose it. The also did not choose the alternate box which also has a camera installed, as I understand it. They were put up with the best knowledge of falcon preferences and years of observations, BUT, the falcons did not see it that way.
    The cameras will not be moved this season and if the falcons have chosen a ledge on a building with an uncooperative owner or manager, then there will be no cameras there in the future. Installing cameras is a very long and complicated process (somewhere in Imprints I believe there is a posting on this with pictures) and would not be done with falcons in residence because that would disturb them.

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