Late Afternoon/Evening Falcon Watch – Rosetta Joins Baron on the Well Wall – 7/2/13
By Rochester Falcon Watcher Carol P.
I spent over four hours on watch tonight, arriving at about 3:45 pm and leaving around 8:15 pm. I was joined by fellow Watchers Larry O, Brian H, Kathy O, Lisa McK and Aaron.
Not much time to work on my report, but I wanted to share some pics from my Watch. There was a lot of activity by all three eyases and Beauty and But, the highlight was when Rosetta hopped out onto the well wall and joined her brother Baron for a walk on the wall. Of course Baron has had much more practice and was zipping along, wings extended and hop-flying along the wall. Rosetta was a little more tentative, making it to the north end of the wall where it buts up against the building. Also, during my watch, Cam Watchers Dana, Donna and Ei reported that Baron made it to the top of the nest box for the first time. Just another step on his way to fledge. Thanks ladies for being our eyes at the nest box.
OK, here are some pictures from my Watch. Be sure to click on any you would like to see in a full version and if you hover over the picture, it will give you a description of what it is a picture of. Enjoy!